Chapter 33

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Saturday 29th January 1966

Jackie Kennedy’s Office

Jackie was still a bit shaken after the crash but she was fine. Lee had suffered a concussion and Clint broke his leg.

She was sitting writing a letter to Mr Hill, hoping his recovery was going okay when Jack came in. “Hi Kid.”

“Hey bunny you’ve finally learnt where my office is!” Jackie teased.

“Actually I got lost on the way here.” Jack admitted as he sat down.

Jackie smiled. “What’s up?”

“I’ve been thinking since having Finn and then that crash we’ve never had a break together and well I’ve been made an offer.”

“From who?”



“Frank Sinatra.” Jack replied. “He’s got some exciting news he wants to tell us and he’s invited me and you to spend the weekend with him.”

Jackie paused. “But Jack….”

“I know you don’t particularly like him but Jackie it’s his private villa in Malibu, there will be no one else and no other women you know I stopped.”

“I know but what if he tries to convince you….”

“That will NEVER happen.”

Jackie smiled. “Ok we can go.”

“Frank said on the phone he really wants to get on with you.”

“Ok go phone him tell him we’ll be there.”

“Thank you.” Jack grinned as he got up.

Jackie went back to her letter; she really hoped Frank wouldn’t start any of his funny business with trying to set Jack up with women.

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