Chapter 27

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When they arrived at their house Jack’s hair was slightly messed up and his shirt was hanging open. Jackie looked fine but she had a really childish grin on her face.

As they got out of the car Bobby ran towards them. “I’m glad you’ve made up, your kids are inside never ask me to babysit again!” Bobby said before running off.

They laughed before heading in to the house. Caroline was holding Finn in her arms. She quickly handed him to Jackie.

“Mum can John and I go to Auntie Eunice’s?”

“Of course your Dad can take you.”

Caroline smiled and took Jack’s hand and John took his other. Once they’d left Jackie went upstairs to Finn’s room and went and sat in the rocking chair. “Finn I’m sorry I wasn’t the best mother to you at the start. I love you never forget that.”

She was stroking his stomach when she saw Jack leaning against the doorframe. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough.”

Jackie smiled and held Finn up and gently moved his arm. “Hiya Daddy.”

Jack laughed as he took his son from Jackie. “I had fun earlier in the car, did you?”

“I did indeed Mr President.”

“Wow when did you get so heavy Finn?” Jack said handing him back to Jackie.

Jack grabbed his back and groaned. After Jackie had put Finn down in his cot she went over to Jack and began massaging his back. “Stop please.” Jack muttered.

Jackie nodded and watched as her husband limped out of the room. He went down the hall to his study and lay down on the floor. His back was aching.


Jackie rushed in. “Bunny what’s wrong?”

“Can you walk on my back please?”

“I suppose.”

Jack stepped carefully on his back and walked slowly trying to apply some pressure, he groaned as he felt some relief. “Jack you can’t go on like this.”

“I’m fine I just needed that.”

Jackie shook her head before helping him up. “Thanks.”

“You know Nanny Shaw’s with Finn; the kids are out we could you know go to our room and make up for a year lost.”

Jackie took his hand and guided him to their room. She started kissing his neck and teasing him as she unbuttoned his shirt.

“Oh God Jackie I love you.”

“I love you too bunny.”

They fell onto the bed with their mouths locked; nothing could stop them they were in love.

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