Chapter 32

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The Oval Office

Friday 7th January 1966

Jack was sitting at his desk signing a document when Jackie walked in. “You summoned me?”

Jack laughed and cleared a space for her to sit on his desk. She sat down and looked at him. “What I was feeding Finn.”

“I know but I need you and Lee to do me a favor.”

“And what would that be?”

“I’d like you to go to the airport tomorrow night and greet the British Ambassador.” Jack replied.

“Well I suppose I can do that.” Jackie laughed.

“Thank you.”

Saturday 8th January 1966

The Oval Office


Jack was sitting talking with Bobby when two secret service agents ran in. “Guys, what is it?” Jack asked noticing the seriousness in their eyes.

 “You need to come with us; M…Mrs Kennedy and her sister were in a car crash.”

Jack froze.

“Sir can you please come with us.”

“Bobby go tell Mrs Shaw.” Jack said before following the agents towards a car.

He was silent, all colour had drained from his face and he felt physically sick. “Do you know if she’s okay?”

“We have no information sir.”

“What happened how did the car crash?”

“We don’t know.”

Jack sat fidgeting he needed to know Jackie was okay.

When they arrived at the scene the car was lying on its side there were ambulance crews all around. He kept looking for Jackie. It wasn’t till he spotted a figure sitting against the edge of metal barrier that he saw her. “JACKIE!” Jack yelled as he sprinted towards her.

She was sitting with an ice pack on her head and she had blood dripping down her face. “Jackie.” Jack said as he got down beside her taking her hands.

“Oh Jack.” Jackie breathed holding back her tears.

Jack hugged her tightly. “You’re freezing!” Jack exclaimed as he took his jacket off and put it round her.

“Where’s Lee?”

“She was injured they took her and Clint to hospital.”

“What happened?”

“I…I don’t know, we were travelling and well a tree fell down and landed on top of the bonnet which flipped the car I think.” Jackie replied pointing at the tree.

Jack looked up; he hadn’t noticed the tree lying in the middle of the road.

Press had begun to gather after hearing the First Lady had been in a car crash. “Do you want to go to hospital and get checked over?” Jack asked.

“They already checked me, I’m fine I just cut my head.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m just a bit shaken that’s all. I’d like to go to the hospital to see if Lee’s alright.”

“Ok, we’ll get into the car and go and see her, okay?”

Jackie nodded and let Jack help her up. They made their way slowly to the car avoiding the photographers.

Jackie hesitated before getting in. “It’ll be okay.” Jack reassured her. She nodded timidly before getting in.

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