Chapter 10

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Wednesday 31st March 1965

The Ballroom, the White House

Jack and Jackie were waltzing around the floor with other couples; they were hosting a dance for the Vice President tonight.

“Jacqueline you look absolutely ravishing in that dress.” Jack whispered so no one else could hear.

“Why thank you bunny.”

Jack chuckled slightly.


“Yes kid?”

“Will we have our Baby Hour later tonight?”

“Oh shit, I forgot sorry.”

Jack quickly checked his watch it was just 8pm now.

“It’s fine.” Jackie replied.

“No it’s not let’s go just now.” Jack said as they danced towards the door.

“Jack, we can’t just leave.”

“We’re coming back.”

“But Jack.” Jackie protested.

“Do you want another baby or not?”

Jackie grinned. “Let’s go.”

Jack took her hand and they headed up to the residence rather quickly. Clint was standing outside. “Evening Mr Hill.” Jackie said as she rushed past him.

“Baby Hour.” Jack muttered before closing the door.

He carefully helped Jackie out of her dress so they didn’t crease it. Jack quickly guided her to the bed and they made love.

It was nearer 9pm when they started getting re-dressed. Jack was zipping his trousers up when Jackie walked back in; she was in her dress after fixing her hair. She looked so beautiful. She didn’t have a hair out of place.

Once Jack was ready he fixed his hair and took Jackie’s arm. “Ready?”

“Ready.” Jackie replied.

As they walked out of the residence Clint stopped them. “Sir you have some…um lipstick on your cheek.”

Jackie quickly rubbed it off.

“Thanks Clint.”

“No problem sir.”

They then made their way down to the ballroom. When they entered they started mingling with people. Bobby approached Jack.

“Where did you go?” Bobby hissed.

“Baby Hour.”

“Jack! You’re working!”

“Don’t care Bobby, shut up.” Jack said walking away.

He went and joined Jackie and they continued dancing the night away.  

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