Chapter 35

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Frank Sinatra’s Living Room


Jackie was sitting lounging with her feet in Jack’s lap. She was surprisingly relaxed.

“Right guys you’re going to be home alone for a while I’m going to see Mia.” Frank said as he picked his car keys up.

“Ok, how long will you be?” Jack asked looking up from his book.

“An hour tops.”

“Ok see you soon.”

Once Frank left Jackie sat up, she gingerly took Jack’s book out of his hands and chucked it across the room.

She climbed on top of her husband and began unbuttoning his shirt much to his entertainment. “Jackie?”

“What bunny?”

“What are you doing?”

“Making the most of it.”

Jack grinned as he began kissing her. She guided him quickly to their room; she closed the door before pushing him down on to the bed. He was kissing her neck tenderly when she started taking his clothes off.

When Frank got back an hour later, he was surprised to find the living room empty. After quickly checking the kitchen and balcony he wondered down the hall to the guest bedroom.

He was about to knock when he heard Jack gasping for breath and Jackie saying “Oh Jack.” Over and over, he could even hear the squeak of the bed. He backed away quietly knowing they rarely got a chance to have some private time together.

An Hour Later

Frank was sitting watching the TV with a beer in his hand when Jack and Jackie emerged holding hands and giggling.

“Hey Frank.” Jack said as he sat down pulling Jackie into his lap.

“Hey, can I get you a drink?”

“I’ll have a beer please.” Jack said.

“Can I have a wine?”

“Of course.”

When he returned he sat on the chair opposite them. “How was Mia?” Jackie asked.

“She was good, she said she might come over tomorrow, how was your….time?”

Jackie giggled. “Good.”

She felt Jack move his hand up her back towards her ticklish spot so she quickly swatted it away.

After dinner they all went and sat out on the balcony just watching the world go by. They may have been three of the most famous people in the world but you wouldn’t have thought it in that moment, they were three friends.

“I think it’s time we called it a night Jacqueline.” Jack said looking at his watch.

“Ok bunny.” Jackie smiled noticing her husband blush. “See you tomorrow Frank.”


Once Jack closed their bedroom door he pinned Jackie on the bed and started kissing her. “God I love you.” Jack breathed.

“I love you too, now get me into bed.”

Jack didn’t need to be told twice.

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