Chapter 40

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The Residence

When he entered the residence Jackie appeared. She was wearing a soft pink dress with a bow on it. “I hear you’d rather I wore one of your shirts all the time.” Jackie said.

Jack smiled. “Sorry they were just….getting to me.”

“It’s fine bunny, come sit down.”

Jackie led him to the sofa and sat down beside him. She gently pulled him into her and began massaging his shoulders. “You feel rather tense Mr President.”

“It’s a hard job being President.” Jack replied.

“I know that.”

Jackie was rubbing deep into his aching back when a groan escaped his body.

“Is your back sore bunny?”


Jackie massaged his swollen back till he sat up and cuddled into her. “Jack?”

“Yeah kid?”

“I’ve never been happier in my life; I love you, Caroline, John and Finn so much.”

Jack smiled. “I’ve never been happier either. I love our little family and I can’t wait to grow old with you and watch our children grow up.”

Jackie kissed him tenderly accepting his tongue happily. When she pulled back she gently ran her hand through his hair. “I’ll love you forever Jack.”

“I’ll love you forever too Jacqueline Kennedy.”

They hugged tighter before kissing. “I love you bunny.”

“I love you too kid.”

Jackie looked deep into his green eyes and gingerly stroked his face. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you Jack; you’re the love of my life.” Jackie whispered feeling herself becoming choked up.

“Either can I kid, it’ll be filled with highs and lows but we’ll always make it as long as we have each other.” Jack replied. He reached for her hand. “You’re the love of my life too.”

She smiled before resting her head against his. The future had never looked brighter.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this story :)

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