Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

“Right, I’ll deal with things here. You go upstairs and talk to your wife.” Bobby said.


Once Jack was in the residence he pulled his tie off and left his shoes in the sitting room. He left his jacket in the hall before slowly opening his wife’s bedroom door. Much to his surprise Jackie was standing by her bed. She blinked a few times. “J…Jack.”

“Jackie.” Jack said as their eyes met.

Without saying anything they hugged each other tightly. “Oh Jack, I’m so sorry.” Jackie said as she burst in to tears.

Jack held her tightly and gingerly kissed her neck. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jackie sobbed.

When they pulled apart Jack took her hand. “Would it be alright if I took my nap in here?”

“Of course, can I join you?”

Jack nodded and helped her into bed. Once he got in beside her, she snuggled into him and rested her head on his chest. “Jack I can’t believe I hit you, I’m sorry I just felt so shit.”

“I…I took your advice and got some help from Dr Travell and I feel better but I still tire easily.”

“I’m glad you’re feeling better. I missed you and worried about you becoming depressed.”

“I missed you too I can’t believe how stupid I was being, Dr Travell really helped me.”

“I’m going to take you to Camp David this weekend but how about when we wake up we spend some time with Finn?”

“I love that idea.”

Jack kissed her before falling asleep.

When he woke Jackie was sitting up beside him with Finn in her arms. She had tears running down her face. “Oh Jack, he’s beautiful.”

Jack smiled as he sat up. “He looks like you.”

“I can’t believe I haven’t showed him more affection.”

“Over Christmas Jackie we both will.”

She smiled softly at him, knowing she shouldn’t have acted the way she did towards him. He loved her and she loved him and she needed him.

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