Chapter 34

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Frank Sinatra’s Malibu Villa

Sunday 6th February 1966

When Jack and Jackie arrived Frank dashed out to meet them. “Hey guys.”

“Hi Frank.” Jack smiled.

“Francis.” Jackie said as she kissed his cheek. “It’s very nice of you to have us.”

“I have some exciting news, please come in sit down. I’ll show you to your room in a moment but I have to tell you this.”

Jackie sat down on the sofa and looked up at Frank, he was super happy about something. “I’m engaged.”

Jack paused. “To who?”

“Mia Farrow.”

“Frank she’s 30 years your junior!” Jack exclaimed.

“Jacqueline’s 12 years your junior.”

“Frank the press will think it’s dodgy.”

Jackie stood up. “Don’t listen to him he’s just jealous, I’m happy for you.” Jackie said as she hugged him.

“Thank you Jackie.”

“Yeah congratulations Frank.” Jack added as he shook Frank’s hand.

“Thanks Jack.”

Once Frank showed them to their room they began to unpack. “I need to go for a bath my back’s killing me.” Jack said.

“Ok I’ll see you shortly.”

After Jack disappeared into the bathroom, Jackie changed into a pair of slacks and a light shirt. When she walked into the main sitting room Frank jumped up.



“Listen Jackie I know we haven’t always got on well but I’ve changed I’ll stop getting girls for Jack.”

“Frank forget it, I’ve forgiven you it’s in the past.”

Frank nodded. “Thank you, come on I’ll show you the view.”

Jackie followed him out on to the balcony; she had to give him a chance. He did help get Jack elected.

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