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After walking around the mall for an hour or so, it was 4pm, we decided to head back to his house. "Okay, I already met your parents. Should I be scared of your siblings?" I ask him.

He pulls up in the driveway, which consisted of more cars than there were this morning. I take a deep breath, stepping out of the car. "Wanna hold my hand?" He asks.

I instantly lace our fingers together, bringing his arm close to mine. "Yes." I hear a chuckle fall smoothly from his lips as puts his hand on the handle of his home.

"Anything I should know?" I ask.

"I have a niece, Stella, and a nephew Miles, they'll probably be in here now. So, you'll meet them." he states. I nod, "okay." Chris opens the door, the warm air in the house engulfing the both of us as we step in.

He shuts the door from behind me. We walk into the living room, I see a blonde with two children playing on the floor. "Hey, Shana." Chris greets.

She looks up and smiles, "I've been dying to meet you!" She gets up from her seat and engulfs me in a hug. I hug back, "It's so nice to meet you." I smile.

"Likewise, Chris talks about you a lot."

"So I've heard." I chuckle, Chris sits down on the other couch, bringing me down with him. Shana sits back into her seat. Chris wraps his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"So how long have you guys been dating?" She asks.

"About three weeks." I shrug.

"I've been watching TMZ and E!News, and I follow these accounts on Instagram, you guys are all over it." she gushes, making hand movements.

I giggle, "Paparazzi follows us everywhere, sometimes we like to make little scenes, just to play with them."

"You make it sound so awful." She laughs, her daughter climbing up on her lap.

"It is, sometimes. They're constantly in your face and screaming at you with flashing lights. I look online sometimes and I see horrible photos of me." A chuckle falls through my lips.

"You could never look horrible." Chris mumbles from my shoulder.

"Aw, you guys are so cute." She smiles at the two of us.

"I know." Chris smirks, playing with my right hand.

"Hey, Shana, where is the-" Another woman pops into the living room, instantly making eye contact with me.

She squeals, "Oh my God! Violet Weaver is in our living room."

Chris and I let out a loud laugh, Shana shortly joining in. "Carly, this is my girlfriend." Chris explains, sitting up to hug her.

I stand up from behind him, "Move over, Chris. I wanna talk to Violet Weaver." She playfully pushes Chris out of the way, making me giggle.

Her and I engulf each other in a hug, "Hi, I'm Carly. I'm a huge fan of your work." She compliments.

"Thank you, so much." I smile.

"I have to go, I need to run some errands before dinner is made. You'll be staying for dinner right?" she asks.

I nod, "I'll be saying for a few days."

Her eyes widen, "I'm always the last person to find out these news. That's wonderful, I'll talk to you later."

She shortly leaves the household, making Chris pull me back into him on the couch. Shana stands up, picking up Stella, and holding Miles's hand. "Gonna give them both a bath, I'll leave you two alone." She smirks. Chris chuckles from under me. He grabs the remote and turns on the tv for some background sounds.

"So, my family likes you." he says.

"Haven't met your brother, we don't know yet." I say.

He rolls his eyes, I shift over so I'm facing him. "I'm sure he'll love you." he says.

I shrug, "I have my doubts." He leans into me more, making me look down at him.

"You really hated me?" he brings up our conversation from before.

I sigh, "Yes, very strong dislike. I'll say."


"The entire cast was annoying to me, honestly. It was my first movie ever, and I didn't know necessarily how anyone acted. I felt as if everyone made me feel lower because I wasn't famous. You especially."

He frowns, pulling me into him tighter. "I'm sorry, I never meant to do that."

"It's okay, I'm not even mad at you anymore, but just so you know; I hold grudges for a long time." I chuckle.

"Good to know."

"Can we go take a nap?" I ask him.

He nods, we get off the couch, walking up the stairs and into his bedroom. He jumps onto his bed, I pull out my suitcase, grabbing a pair of shorts out. I walk into hi bathroom, and quickly throw them on. "Why'd you change in my bathroom?" he asks.

"Because you haven't seen me naked. Not entirely comfortable with you watching me change." I chuckle, climbing into bed with him.

"Can I see you naked?" he asks. I lightly slap his arm as a loud laugh exits my mouth.

"No, Chris!" I giggle. He puts he blanket over my body and pulls me close to him. Our faces so close, I can feel his breath.

Him and I make eye contact, I shift my body a little bit so I can get comfortable. "Goodnight." I smirk.

I feel his body vibrate as a small laugh is heard. "Goodnight." I close my eyes.


I hear a knock on the door, making me wake up from my peaceful slumber. Chris shuffles in his sleep, groaning slightly. It's now dark out, and Chris doesn't have a shirt on. "Chris, Violet, dinners ready. Come down when you're ready." I hear a males voice say.

I shake him so he gets up. He climbs over me, to get out of bed. He turns the light on from his nightstand. "When did you take off your shirt?" I ask.

"Right after you fell asleep. You know, your body is really hot," he begins, making me laugh.

"I mean, temperature wise, it got hot in the room."

"Yeah, cause I'm hot." I chuckle.

"Should I put my jeans back on?" I ask him. He nods, "I don't want anyone else to look at your ass." I stand up. He grabs his shirt and smacks my ass with it.

"Chris, you freak. Plus, my ass is mine. Not yours." I joke.

"You right." A playful smile is placed on his lips.

"When am I not?" I question, grabbing my jeans and walking into his bathroom.

I quickly change my pants, and entering his room once again. "Let's go." he grabs my hand.

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