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I give Chris one last hug. A tear slipping down my face as I pout. "Baby, I'll see you in less than a month. Okay?" He cups my face, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I know. I just hate not being with you." I say.

He frowns, "Before you know it, you'll be on your way home."

I nod, taking a breath. "I know."

"See you soon." He gives me another kiss on the lips.

I wipe another tear as he turns around. He walks away, another tear falling. I'm acting like we just broke up, I just don't wanna be away from him. Call me obsessed, but I like spending my time with him.

I turn around, walking out of the airport and into my car. Paparazzi definitely got photos of us, and will post them later today. Sometimes, I feel like they follow me everywhere I go.

I drive back to set, getting ready for some scenes. I go into my trailer, my makeup artist in there. "Hi." I smile softly.

"Hey, sorry Chris had to go." She says.

I shrug, "I'll see him soon." I say, sitting down in my chair. She takes out some makeup and begins to put stuff on my face.

"I know what it's like. My boyfriends in New York, right now." She says.

"Long distance is hard, I know. But, this is just one more month."

"Until you find someone. Or he does." She says, chuckling softly.

"I don't see anyone but Chris." I tell her.

She applies eyeshadow on my lids. "Well, that's good."


After a long day of shooting, I finally got to lay down in the bed I have in my trailer. I scroll on my phone, texting the group chat I made containing all my friends.

I hear a knock on my door. I set my phone down, walking over to it. I see Jude Law, I have many scenes with him. "Hey." I greet.

"Hey, wanna get some food? I was heading out and didn't really wanna be alone, my treat." He says, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Yeah, sure. Where you going?" I ask.

"Mcdonald's." He chuckles again.

I laugh, "Yeah, let me grab my phone." I say, I walk to my bed, grabbing my phone. I walk back, climbing down the small set of stairs.

He and I walk in silence to his car. I step into the passenger seat, as he gets in the drivers seat. He starts the car, I turn on the radio, so we don't have some awkward silence in the car.

Shortly, we arrive at McDonald's, and enter the fast food restaurant. "So, what do you want?" He asks.
I shrug, scanning the menu. "Probably a Big Mac and fries with a sprite. You?"

"Same but a Coke." he says.

I awkwardly nod. It was us next to order, I order my food, and Jude orders after me. He pays for the food, and we wait a few moments for our food to be ready.

I sit down in a small booth, him across. Our food was called up, so he got up and grabbed it. He soon, sits down, handing me my food. "Thanks." I give a short smile.

"So, you and lover boy... How's that going?" He asks.

I give a confused expression. I chuckle dryly, "what do you mean?" I ask.

He shrugs, "everything good?" He asks.

I nod, "everything's great." I tell him.

He nods as well, "That's good. A pretty girl like you should be treated like a queen." he says.

I chuckle again, "Thanks. Chris treats me amazing." I say.

"Good." He says.

I take a bite of a fry as I look around the restaurant. It's around 9:30, it's dark outside. I feel a flash of light shine towards us. I turn around, seeing someone taking a photo of the two of us. I roll my eyes, a loud sigh escaping my lips.

"What?" He asks.

"Paparazzi. Nothing new. Probably gonna make a whole new story about this." I roll my eyes again.

He lets out a short laugh. "It's fine." He says. "And, so what? We'd look like a good couple."

I give him a look, cocking my head to the side. "No, not really. They're gonna think Im cheating on Chris." I tell him, my voice raising as I speak.

Ha hushes me. "No one will think that."

I scoff. I stand up, throwing my napkin on the table. "No, they will. Thanks for dinner." I walk away.

"How are you gonna get back?" He asks, loudly. I open the door.

"I'd rather walk, thanks." I exit the restaurant in anger.


Currently, I'm on the phone with Chris. I got an Uber and drove back here, no one has bothered me. I told Chris exactly what happened, I got so mad to the point where I cried.

Phone Call
chris- italics
violet- bold

Baby, look. There are gonna be a lot of assholes. I'm sorry, I'm not there to protect you. Do you want me to fly back and beat the shit out of him? Cause, I will.

No, its okay... I guess. I think I'm just also more upset that I'm gone for another month.

I know, but look at the bright side, you'll have so much more time to spend with me. Alone time. It'll be fine, okay?

Okay. I also wanted to tell you the truth before some stupid article comes out.

I don't believe any of it anyways, you know this. I'll get jealous, yes. But, it's not true. None of it is. I trust you, babe.

I trust you, too. Thanks for listening. I'm gonna head to bed, now.

Alright, baby. Goodnight.


I hang up the phone with a sigh. I plug my phone in, and climb into bed. One more month.

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