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I yawn, shoving my face in the crook of Chris's neck. "Do you wanna take a nap?" he asks, chuckling a bit.

I grab the remote from next to me, shutting the TV off.

I nod, "yes." He stands up, opening his arms for me. I stand up on the couch, Chris wrapping his arms around my waist. I cross my legs around his torso as his hands grip onto my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck.

He walks up the stairs, down the hall into my bedroom. He sets me on my bed and turns around. I grow confused, "what are you doing?" I ask.

"I thought you wanted to take a nap?" I kick my shoes off.

"Yes, with you." I move over to the inside of my bed.

"Oh." He says.

"Dumbass, get in." he climbs into the bed next to me.

"Goodnight." I say, laughing a little.



The door slams open, "Ew, did you guys have sex?" I hear.

I open my eyes, growing confused. I sit up from my bed, seeing Allison at my doorway.

"No, I was tired so we decided to take a nap." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, makes sense." She kicks off her shoes, laying in the bed next to me, making me in the middle of Chris and Allison.

"Is he sleeping?" She asks, poking his arm.

"Not anymore." Chris groans, wrapping his arms around me.

"Hi, Chris!" She waves.

"What time is it?" I ask her. She checks her phone, "3:45pm."

"Shit." Chris gets off the bed.

"What?" I ask.

"Andrew wants us over to his office at 4." he says.

I sigh, "they're so evil." I grown, putting the pillow on my face.

"Come on, it takes 20 minutes to get there." He reaches his hand out for me to take.

I slip on my shoes, turning over to Allison. "I'll be back in about an hour. Order take out, and we'll watch a movie?" I ask.

She nods, smiling. "Sure." She gets under my blanket, grabbing the remote off my nightstand.

"Bye!" She waves at the two of us. Chris and I head downstairs, stepping out of my house. The two of us drive in a comfortable silence to Andrew's office.

Chris walks towards Andrew's office building, I'm following close behind. It's a large building, like Abrielle's, who's building is across town. We shortly walk into the elevator, pressing the up button. Chris and I stand closely next to each other, as three other people walk in.

The elevator soon stops at our floor, Chris lightly grabbing my hand and we walk into Andrew's office. Chris knocks on the door, opening it afterwards. I see Abrielle inside, she looks down at our hands and smirks at me. I roll my eyes and stifle a laugh. I let go of Chris's hand, sitting in the seat in front of Andrew's desk.

"Okay, so we never had you guys sign a contract." Andrew starts.

"We have to sign one?" I ask, a confused expression scattered across my face.

Andrew nods, "Yes, so we can keep up with it." He says.

I shrug, "okay."

He pulls out two packets, handing them to us. I read over it, signing where I need to. I hand it back to him. "Okay, so this contract is supposed to be designed for 6 months. It's been almost a month, so in five months, you two will have to break up." Abrielle explains.

I nod, "alright."

"So, you both agree to this. Right?" Andrew asks us.

I look at Chris, both of us nodding. "Yes."

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