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The next day, was my audition. To be honest, I was a little nervous. The cast said good things about me, it's been a while since I auditioned for a movie. I auditioned about an hour or so, ago. I know I might not get a call tonight, or tomorrow.

They gave compliments at the end of it, saying I was very talented. I was really thankful, I know I'm a good actress. But, sometimes I'm doubtful for my work.

"All I'm saying is, the party should be thrown tonight." Allison claims, bitting into her apple.

I shrug, a loud sigh faking through my lips. "It's, what? 11:30 right now?" I ask, checking the time on my phone.

"A lot would need to be done." I say, another sigh escaping my lips.

"Then, lets call Tina, and Bri."

"I haven't talked to Bri in a while, Allison." Bri was our friend, but we had a bit of a falling out a few years back.

"I know, but I've talked to her last week and she says she misses us. I also went out to breakfast with her this morning. This could be a good thing, we could all catch up." Allison smiles, her being the outgoing girl she always is.

"Fine. Call Tina and Bri." I say, standing up from my kitchen stool and walking out of my kitchen.

"Where are you going?" She calls from behind me.

"Getting alcohol, and shit. Clean up the place for me, with the girls, will ya?" I smile at her, grabbing my keys and exiting my home.


I walk back into my house, with a lot of Rosé and Chardonnay, along with a lot of other alcohol. I open my front door and jolt back in shock when I see Allison, Tina, and Bri standing less than a foot away from me.

"Not much of a surprise, bitch." Allison says as she grasps my hand and pulls me inside of my home. "I thought it would be a good idea if us, the masterminds behind it all, started planning a bit while you were out, scouting the desert for the finest bottle of rosé." Allison says, a small smirk on the peak of her lips as an eyebrow raises.

I let out a short laugh, setting down the bags on my kitchen counter. I turn around, "So, what did you guys plan?" I ask, taking a seat on my stool.

"Well, you left your phone here, so I went through it and contacted relevant people, telling them to come over tonight at 7:30." Allison says, handing me my phone.

"Why am I not surprised." I say, grabbing my phone.

"I also, called Chris telling him to come a bit early, and to stay the night." Allison winks, smirking.

I roll my eyes, a dry chuckle escaping from my lips. "Of course you did."

"Yeah, anyways." Tina starts, sitting next to me. "What'd you buy." She grabs one of the bags, pulling out a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips.

"Yum, my favorite." Bri says, grabbing the bag and opening it. She sits next to Tina, the both of them munching at the bag.

"I also told people to bring their bathing suits, in case they wanted to go swimming. But, then I realized, it would be weird." She says, giggling.

"I'll still swim." I say, mentally picking out my favorite pink bathing suit in the back of my head.

"So, lets get this party started, shall we?" Bri says, standing up from her seat, raising her right eyebrow with a smirk plastered on her lips.

"We shall." Allison smirks back.


Shortly it was 7:30, people started pouring into my house, making me greet and welcome everyone. My house is fairly large, honestly, I had waitresses and waiters over, handing out my alcohol to everyone.

In my dining room, Allison and Tina set out many snacks, and glasses of champagne on the table besides them.

"Party is a success, wouldn't you say?" Allison says besides me. I look up at her and nod, a smile forming.

"I would say."

She gasps, a smile on her face. "There's Chris, go say hi." She pushes me out of my way, and towards Chris.

He was talking to RDJ, I walk over there with a smile on my lips. "Hi, Violet, how'd the audition go?" Robert asks.

"It went so well, they all complimented me after I auditioned." I say, Chris wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"That's great, I hope you got the part. It would be fun working with you." He says, I nod, smiling. He soon walks away, leaving Chris and I alone in the middle of the room.

"Hi." I smile, looking up at him.

"Allison told me to spend the night, or she would murder me in my sleep. That alright with you?" He asks.

A loud laugh falls through my lips, and I nod. "Yes, it's fine with me."

"You going swimming?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't know, are you?" I mock him, wiggling my eyebrows as well.

"Only if you do. I don't wanna go in alone." He says.

"Then, lets go." I smile.

"Well, I have to put on my bathing suit." He says.

"Me, too. Where is yours?" I ask.

"Allison told me to put it upstairs in your room." He mumbles. I chuckle, nodding.

"Okay, lets go." I grab his hand, running up the stairs with him trailing behind.

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