DateCation-Day 1

843 30 14

Aquaria's P.O.V.

"Wake up!" I heard while someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes to heard an alarm going off. I saw Maxwell turn it off and looked at me.

"I heard your alarm from downstairs. Was it to leave?" he said. I smiled and nodded. I sat up and stretched my arms out. These few days are going to be amazing.

"Okay! Get dressed and let's hit the road. It will take 3 hours to get there and its 8:05 am." I said looking at my clock. We should be there by 11-12 depending on traffic.

"Alright! I'm getting dressed downstairs so don't come down." he said while picking up some clothes. I rolled my eyes and got up. He must have had clothes ready.

I got up and made my bed. I'm so nervous about how this will go. 5 days with Maxwell.

I went to my closet and pulled out a short-sleeved hoodie and shorts with roses on them. I also put on some white Adidas. I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair out with my fingers. Then I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I walked out if the bathroom and leaned on the railing. "Are you done now?" I said loudly so he can hear. "Yea!" I heard from downstairs.

I walked downstairs to see max in a plain black shirt with some jeans. "Its a little hot for that right?" I said walking towards him. "It's just jeans," he said. I nodded slightly and saw he took our bags down the stairs.

"You didn't have to carry them." I said smiling. He looked at the bags and shrugged. "I didn't want to wake you." he said.

I picked up the keys from the bowl next to the door and looked at max. "Let's go!" I said. He chuckled and got off the couch and walked towards me.

I held the door open as he took both bags and walked out. After he was halfway down the stairs, I closed the door and locked it. I went down the stairs and unlocked the car and opened the trunk.

I took on of the bags and put it in the truck and so did max. After the bags were in I closed the trunk and went to the driver's side.

"Trixie said she wanted to go." I heard max say. I look towards him for a second and saw he was on Instagram probably still telling everyone about the trip. "We are about an hour away. I think it's too late to get her." I said. "Oh boy. A.........death threat?" he said. I was on the highway buy I looked over to max for a second.

"Wait. What? From who?" I said. Who would send a death threat? I know some people don't like me that's way too far. "Chase," he said sighing. My face was hot. But not from blushing. My whole body was hot. Who the hell thinks its okay to send a death threat to somebody. Ex or not!

"Who is it to?" I said not trying to sound mad. "It's mostly me......but don't be mad. It's okay." max said half smiling. "You know what? I'm not going to get work up on 'our' vacation." I said. I needed this vacation too.

"Blocked!" max said. "Why didn't you block him before." "It looks like he got another account. Stalker"

I was looking for the highway exit when I saw that some car that has been following us for half the ride in the rearview mirror. What the hell?

"Max. That creep is following us!" is said annoyed. He looked behind him and sighed. "Maybe they're going where we are going. Is it going to be hot for a few days," he said. "Yea. But still. The driver had been behind us for a while." I said.

"Oh wow. It's beautiful!" max said. I chuckled and got out of the car. Good thing that car took another exit. I closed the car door and looked at the place.

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