DateCation-Day 3

728 24 9

Aquaria's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked over at the air conditioner. It was super cold in here. I got up and turned it down. I had it on 75 but now it's on 54 and on high. I really hope I don't get a cold. I turned around to see Maxwell out of his bed.

When did he get up?

I stretched my arms up and walked out of the room to see him curled up on the couch on his phone. "Max. Did you turn t-the air down. It's freezing in their." I said. "No" he said sitting up.

"Can we go the buffet for breakfast? I want some hot tea" I said sitting down. "Its 3:00 PM but I think it's a little too late for tea" I looked up at him and he showed the time. 3:04 PM. WOW.

"Shit, I slept late. How long were you up?" " I got up about 2 hours ago. Anyway what are we doing today?"

"Lets go to the beach." I said excited. "I wanna make this huge hole in the sand." max said smiling. I chuckled and I got up to get some swimming trunks. "Can you get mine two?" max said. I nodded and went into the room. I looked in the dresser and saw his blue and black shorts and my red and white ones. Oh wow our stuff is the opposite of each other. I pulled them out and went back into the living room.

I threw his shorts at him and went into the bathroom. Before I closed the four a heard him say "Thanks. But not for throwing them."

After I got out the bathroom, I saw that max wasn't there. I walked to the bedroom door and saw him laid across both beds for some reasons. I busted out laughing and he fell in the middle which made me laugh more. "That wasn't funny!" max said laughing. I looked back into the room to see him getting up.

"What were you doing in the first place?" I said calming down. "You were in the bathroom for 30 minutes changing clothes. I get bored"

I rolled my eyes and walked back to the bathroom to get my clothes. I put them away and saw max at the door holding the keys. Someone is impatient. I grabbed the keys from him and we walked out with me locking the door.

"We don't even have any supplies to dig a hole." I said.

"Do we have hands and fingers?"


"Them we got all we need"  max said. We walked to the boardwalk because it was only a few blocks away. We got in and Maxwell almost got hit the train. He back up and I almost laughed. "The train speaker is literally saying 'watch the train car please'. How to do almost get hit?" I said with a chuckle.

"I was thinking about something" he said. After the train moved, we walked toward the beach.

Once we got the bottom of the stairs, I took off my shoes and so did max. The sand was warm but had a lot of broken shells and shit. "Max. Watch out for the sand." I said. He looked down and half smiled. "So where are we building?" he said. I started to look around. There were a few families here with their kids. But I saw a spot that looked perfect.

I started to walk to it and I looked behind me to see max following. I was walking to this spot that was completely empty of people. It was kinda close to the beautiful ocean but it was okay. The sand didn't look as bad.

We saw there were two seats with towels on them neatly folded. Max ran to the last chair and put his shoes on it. I walked to the right and put mine down as well. "What are we doing first? Ocean or Sand?" max said childishly. I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm guessing the sand because when we are done. We can wash off in the ocean."

Max then went in front on the chairs and drew this big circle. He really isn't thinking we're making a hole that big, is he? "The hole will be this big!" he said. "That hole would fit 10 of you," I said. He got on his hands and started to dig. He really wasn't playing. Wow!

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