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Aquaria's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and all I saw was white. I looked to my sides and I was hooked up to something.

I was in a hospital bed.

I looked to see max sitting in the chair looking down.

"Max," I said reaching my hand out.

He looked up and smiled at me. He got up and walked to my side. He held my hand and kissed my forehead.

"Why was asleep?" I said. "The doctor said you were in too much pain so they put you to sleep.

You were just crying a-and its all my fault" he said with his voice getting softer.

"Oh, it's not your fault! I just lost balance". "Because I wanted to play around"

I was about to day something but the door opened.

"Hello! I'm Dr. Reid." he said closing the door. "So Giovanni, how's the ankle treating you?"

"It hurts a little," I said. Max put his head down and my heart starting to hurt. "Okay. So we took an x-ray and your Lateral Malleolus is broken" he said. "When will I walk again?" I said worriedly.

"6-7 weeks," he said. "And what about performing?" I said. "What do you mean performing?" he said confused.

"Were drag Queens. We dance on stage" Max said looking at the doctor. "Oh! Well, I don't know in how long. Even in 6 weeks, your bone will be tender to move so much" he said. I sighed and looked up.

"But the good news is that you can leave tomorrow and we will give you crutches and a brace so you'll be fine. Your next appointment will be in 2 weeks" he said with a smile.

"Thanks doctor," I said. He nodded and walked out. "Were leaving the tour". Max said looking at me. "Huh? What about our fans?" I said.

"Your ankle is broken so you can't perform and I'm not leaving you on that bus for every performance. Until your on your feet again, I'm not performing either. Plus I won't even have any fans after they know what I did you" he said. "I want to stay with you and be there for you" he added.

That warmed my heart

"That just made me love you more" I said out loud. I went wide eyes and covered my mouth.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!


"Don't worry. I love you too" max said. I looked at him and she leaned down and kissed me.

This broken ankle was so worth it!

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