Ch. 14 - Shot For Me

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< Chapter 14: Shot For Me >

$Drake's P.O.V$

"You want to do what?" I questioned as I tried to burp Julianna since Debbie just fed her. 

"I want to go to North Carolina." she looked at me strenly.

Right now, I am at a loss of words. She does know she had a baby yesterday, right?

"You know I can't legally got out of country with Tori without consent."

Which is true. Even though we just went to New York, I legally was not suppose to do it that way. I could get in a lot of trouble.

"Well, you stay here Tori and get consent while Julianna and I go down south." She said all to casually.

I closed my eyes knowing that I would get upset if I let this conversation. "So you're just going to go to North Carolina by yourself with a newborn?"

"Yes, my family will be there to help me." she smiled at the thought.

I looked down and seen a face that would make your heart melt, Julianna's face. I decided not want to prolong this arguement farther. I gave her Julianna and walked out the room.

"Where are you going?" she called before I closed the door. To be honest, I don't know where I'm going but I can't listen to this shit anymore.

I don't know what is going through her mind but it's not me or her little girl.

I sat in my car and leaned back. Thoughts flooding my mind.

I need something to calm me down.

I reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out a blunt I keep in there for safe keeping.

It has been while since I have smoked because I get a natrual high being with and around Debbie. The last time I smoked was that night right before my accident.

I looked inside the compartment to pull out my red bic light I have.

After I made sure I had both, I lit the blunt and inhaled it before I cranked up the car and made my way to my destination.

+Makenzee's P.O.V+

I sat on the couch, thinking. Well more like plotting.

Chris is touring so I have a lot of time to myself.

I haven't seen Tori in almost three month, I miss her so much but with Debbie in the picture, she won't ever have her real mom and dad in her life. She needs me and Drake together. And she wouldn't have to share Drake with anybody. It's not like I don't want see Drake happy but I really don't see what good can come from their relationship.

She is not even in Drake's world, I am. She doesn't know any of his friends like I do.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I put my hair in a messy bun before I opened the door.

"Drake? What are you doing here?"

He looked down. "We need to talk, can I come in?"

I stood back and opened the door widely for him.

"What's up?" I asked after he sat on the couch. He reeked of weed smell, not that that's a bad thing. I could tell that he has been smoking since his eyes are red. Usually when he smokes, he tells whats on his mind. So, I hope it's about me.

He looked at me, dazed. "Why can't I just get what I want?"

"What do you want?"

He looked at me. "I just want Debbie to understand where I'm coming from sometimes, she acts like she's is in this world by herself."

I raised my eyebrow. "What did she do?"

"She's going to North Carolina with the baby while I stay in Toronto to get clearance from the fucking court." he said, clearly pissed by the whole situation.

That made be cringe. She finally had that mistake?!

"You know, I could call the courthouse tomorrow and get you what you want." I sat closer to him.

He playfully push me. "You would do that for me?"

I ran my fingers through his hair, which made him close his eyes. "I would do anything for you, Drakie." I whispered in his ear.


I know this chapter is shorter than my other chapter but I had to. This next chapter is short too....sorry.

But I didn't want this chapter to hold too much information and dialogue.

Anyway, I have been writing A LOT since I have nothing else to do.

THANK YOU for giving my story a chance!

Stay Fabulous!

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