Chapter 3

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When I got home, I hurriedly went to my room to drop my school bag and freshen up. I then went downstairs to eat because I was starving. My dad went back to work after dropping me at home and my mom wasn't back from work so I had the house to myself .

After eating, I went back to my room and brought out my laptop to watch some videos. After watching some YouTube videos for a while, I took my phone and switched on my data to check my messages on whatsapp. I viewed some statuses, replied some messages and then switched to facebook.

After spending some time on instagram, I decided to watch some videos on my phone. Scrolling through my videos, I saw that I had a new video. I clicked on it then started laughing like a maniac because it was the video I took of Wilson and Ada.

I think they are a couple but I can't help but think that Wilson is just using Ada. Maybe he likes someone else but couldn't ask or something because he doesn't talk much to Ada in public or maybe it's just me.

Na wa o, I'm just talking as if I've been in the school ever since when I only started today. I locked my phone and brought out my books from my bags. We were given assignment in school and I wanted to be known as one of the best students here so I'm gonna start with my assignments . Done with my assignment, I arranged my room making sure everything was in order, then went to the kitchen to cook me some food.

I was too lazy to cook anything other than indomie and that was what I decided to cook. Taking out two indomie noodles from the carton, I took out a pot and added a little amount of water. I poured the indomie contents inside the water and then switched on the gas cooker.

I allowed it to boil for some time then added sardine and pepper. When it was ready, I poured everything inside a plate then took it to the sitting room with a bottle of coke (omo no dulling) then sat down and switched on the TV.

When I was done eating, I checked the time and saw that it was after 5 and my dad would be home by 7. My mom usually got home by 8 so I did all my evening chores .

If there's anything my mom hates, it's an unkept house and dirty plates. Done with my chores, I decided to read some stories on watt pad. It is an amazing app for reading different kinds of stories and I always feel excited when reading stories on the app.

In the middle of a story, I heard the sound of a car horn and I knew at once that it was my dad's car. I came out to open the gate and saw that my mom was inside the car; maybe dad went to pick mom from her work place. Closing the gate, I went to the garage and greeted my parents.

"mummy bokhian, daddy bokhian " I greeted in our native dialect.

"kó yò" they both answered at the same time.

I carried their bags from the car and noticed that there were some things in the boot.

"Etin, bring the things from the boot and take it inside o" my mom said.

I went inside, kept their bags in their rooms and went back to carry the things in the boot. There was a carton of indomie(yippee), crate of nutri milk and fanta, tomatoes, and some other food stuff.

About three hours later, it's 10:16 and my parents are in their room and I'm just chilling in my room. It's really boring here especially with no siblings. Times like this, I kinda wish I had some siblings but my mom can't give birth again cause her womb was damaged and according to them, it was a miracle giving birth to me. She could have died during child birth but thanks to the almighty God, she survived. Being the only child has its pecks though but it gets boring sometimes. Anyways, now is not the time to think about that; I just hope the teachers in this school are fun, easy to talk to, can teach, and not too strict.

Wilson and Ada's conversation was still fresh on my mind, who knew those teen-children had the guts to be involved in a relationship at this stage of their life. Well, I think they are a bit older than me but come on! They were kissing at the back of the school for crying out loud ; more like making out and I'm sure they did something else when he told her to come over to his house. I'm sure they're not the only ones though, Jason is too cute to not have a girlfriend even Sade and Favour.

Favour's movement with victory is not pure sef. I'm going to unravel their secrets one by one at least, anything to make things more interesting. Look at me sef, I've only been to the school once and I'm acting like an international spy; lol.

After thinking and reading for sometime, I decided to sleep so as to wake up on time for school tomorrow. Also, I don't want my mom waking me up; that woman acts like a witch at times. The last time she woke me up, my bed was soaked with ice cold water and I suffered from terrible cold that day.

Besides, trying to sleep at times is almost impossible; I don't even know why I find it difficult to sleep at night. I only manage to fall asleep after playing games or watching videos on my phone and that's what I decided to do. After playing games for a while, I finally fell asleep and went into the world of rainbows, clowns, and school.


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