chapter 2

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"so, that fair boy over there looking like a broom stick Is Best " he said looking at the boy I assumed to be Best,smugly.

" if I slap u ehn" Best said trying to slap Tobi.

"get out Jor! anyways,that girl sitting besides you is Ada".

I turned to my left and saw a dark skinned girl glaring at me, I didn't even notice her but why was she even glaring at me? Any ways, he kept on introducing them until he got to the last person.

"and this ugly boy here is Jason".

Looking at him, I saw that he wasn't ugly but damm he looked like the young version of a Greek God. He was light in complexion, tall, and he looked really handsome . He waved and smiled at me and I returned his gesture gladly.

" So Etin, tell us about yourself na" Tobi said while sitting on the desk.

OMG! Did he really expect me to face the entire class and tell them about myself.

" I don't think anyone wants to know anything about me" I squeaked out.

" come na, don't be shy" he drawled out.

I didn't want it to seem like I was too shy to come out, so I decided to come out and get it over with.
I took a deep breath and thought about what I was going to say.

" Hi, my name is Etin, I am a girl, (I heard some students chuckling at that part), I'm a Benin girl from Edo state and I love to eat. I said smiling at everyone.

" hmm, so you love to eat Abi? A boy who I think was Wilson asked.

" of course Na, who doesn't like to eat". I said not feeling that shy anymore.

" I'm just saying o besides, you are skinny" he replied.

" Ehn its not my fault Na that was how my parents gave birth to me o".

" Wilson, leave the girl Jor, see your mouth like she's skinny; are you fat? Jane asked giving him a light slap on his back.

" Abeg Abeg it's enough o, you people should stop making her feel as if she's that important" said Ada who looked extra wicked now.

What was her deal sef, it's not like we've met before and I'm pretty sure I didn't step on her toes or stained her uniform or something; so why was she giving me this cold attitude. Well sha that's her own cup of coffee.

"Ahan! Ada kilode,ogini, what is it again" I turned and saw Tobi shooting daggers at her.

" nothing o, I just don't get why you guys are gushing over her as if she's fine sef".

" Heh heh, you must be joking, somebody that is finer than you by far". A light skinned girl said looking at Ada with bad eyes.

Okay, I really don't understand this people; are they all involved in some kind of beef or what.

" I pray o, finer than me keh Sade you must be dreaming " Ada replied.

Oh so the light skinned girl's name was Sade.

" Abeg e na u know, babe don't mind her she's just jealous of you because you are prettier than her and probably intelligent too" Sade said smiling at me.

" umm, thanks" I said not really sure of what to say again .

"so, which school were you going to before this one? Jason asked.

" St. Maria goretti girls grammar school and I stopped because we moved to this area and this is the closest school to my house ". Oh, that's nice " Jason replied.

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