Chapter 27

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"I raised my hands on you in the first place right? See you later" he said and just like that, he left the classroom and I saw him walk away with his friends.

I was really tired of this nonsense like why can't he just take a simple answer?

I walked back to my class thinking about what just happened. What was I thinking when I slapped a guy who not only knew my house, he was also a cultist. It wasn't my fault though I couldn't just stand there and take everything like a dumbo.

The idiot ruined my break time as I no longer felt hungry.

I sat down on my chair and felt somebody tap my back. I turned back and Jason waved at me.

"My wife how are you doing? He asked.

I would have ignored or made a funny remark but I had no strength for that.

"I'm fine " I replied.

"Ok now I know you are not fine. What's going on?

"Nothing please just leave me alone" I said sounding harsh; the exact opposite way I wanted to sound like. I just wanted him to stop.

"Oh ok" he said his voice so low I felt bad.

"Jason I'm s... "

"It's ok" he said and left the class. I looked around to see if anybody noticed anything but they didn't as everyone had something they were doing and topics to discuss.

Sighing I stood up from my seat and left the class. I had to look for Jason and apologize immediately. He didn't mean any harm and I felt really bad for shouting at him.

I went to one corner where boys in our class usually meet to argue about football but I didn't see him there.

I was walking downstairs when I saw Benjamin again.

For the love of God how many times do I have to see this barbarian a day.

I tried moving to the right, he followed me his eyes taunting and daring me to move to the right. I did and he blocked me connecting his head that felt like a rock to mine.

I only felt one thing that moment 'pain'.

"Going somewhere? He asked.

"Please in the name of God just leave me alone. I am tired of you and your stupid games. Leave me the fuck alone and stop harassing me every chance you get! Seeing you annoys the hell out of me just leave me and stop invading my fucking privacy! Don't you have any respect for yourself a whole senior like you! I shouted angrily.

Kpa! Was the sound I heard next. I looked around and it took me some milliseconds to realize that he slapped me.

"It's like you h.... " he started but didn't finish his sentence as Jason punched him straight in the eye.

And that was how the fight began.

Benjamin tried to raise Jason up but he couldn't giving Jason another chance to punch his stomach repeatedly.

Some students gathered around them trying to stop the fight but they couldn't. Now any normal person would join and try to stop the fight right?

Not me.

I just wanted to see Jason kick Benjamin's butt and he was doing a really good job.

The fight ended when Jason gave Benjamin one final kick to his gut and he fell down the stairs hitting his back on the wall grunting like the bastard he was.

His cohorts were there but didn't do anything and I wondered why.

Benjamin had a cut on his upper lip, swollen eye, bleeding nose and some other bruises.

Jason had a really tiny cut on his left eye and his bottom lip was bleeding.

I was in the classroom and boy was it noisy. Everyone in class was talking about Benjamin and Jason's fight.

Jason and Benjamin were currently in the principal's office.

"Wait o, Etin are you sure you don't know why they were fighting? Jane asked for the hundredth time.

"No " I said.

I was lying because I didn't want them to know about Benjamin harassing me.

"But you were there na ahn" Sade said.

"they were already fighting when I got there so...... " I answered.

They kept on discussing but I was not listening again. Why did Jason fight Benjamin for me. Man I felt like I was on cloud nine.

Jason entered the classroom and was bombarded with questions.

"Guy what's up with you? Wilson asked.

"I will tell you later" he answered him while looking at me.

"No stress I'm proud of you though you damaged the guy! Wilson shouted doing this bro hand shake stuff with him.

"Yes now no falling hand o" Jason replied.
* * * * * * * * * * *
It was time to close and I quickly arranged my back pack and left the classroom with Jason calling my name.

I was almost downstairs when he held my hands and pulled ;well dragged me to another direction opposite the gate.

"What are you doing I'm going home my dad will be here soon". I said

"Please just stop and answer me honestly" he pleaded. We were standing close to the canteen and you could only see us if you walked behind the building.

"What do you need answers to? I asked hoping it wasn't what I was thinking but I knew I was just hoping for nothing.

"You know what I'm asking for" he said sighing loudly.

"Why did that son of a bitch hit you? He asked.

Me being me replied " why would you call someone's mom a bitch?

"Etin.... " he asked getting annoyed.

"It's nothing really" I said.

"Oh bullshit. You and I know it's not 'nothing'. How dare he slap you!

I muttered something and he shouted "what! Oops he heard.


"What do you mean nothing I just heard you say it's not the first time".

"It's not the first time he's doing this. He has been asking me out and I keep telling him I'm not interested. I even saw him at a place close to my house and he threatened me into being his girlfriend but it's no problem though ; I can handle him" I said.

"Yea and where has that brought you? Why didn't you tell anybody?

" and risk my life sorry I love my self thank you very much"

"I won't take this shit from him hell no not when he is the reason you've been feeling down lately.

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