chapter 10

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After that little fight with Ada, some people started moving around the school environment saying that they were not ready to go home. Me, Sade, Jane, Miriam, Ada and some other girls were sitting under a big tree at the side of the School field.

I thought Ada was going to have a problem sitting with me in the same space or maybe not; because her friends were also here. We were talking about different things, some girls were loosing their hair saying that they were going to plait it again to make it look neat since our next exam was like three days away.

My hair was still neat so there was no need to plait it again.

" I will relax my hair next week o" Miriam said to Ese.

"ahan why now? Did you not relax it last month? She asked.

"yes but it's not soft sef this my hair is too strong" she replied.

"I use to relax my hair three times in two months" Sade said.

" it's good now, but you should wash it more often you know" I said.

" why but it's good like that now" Sade said.

" I know but they should just increase it so that they can wash your sense too" I replied.

I quickly stood up and ran away from my seat because I knew she was going to chase me around the school compound until she slaps me and believe me when I tell you that Sade's hand is made of metal.

I swear that girl can slap someone's sorrow away.

"just be running o! If I catch you ehn" she said while chasing me.

This girl actually chased me till we were close to the generator room. I opened a door to a classroom and quickly ran inside and closed it. I heard laughter and I turned around and saw some boys playing around.

"ahan Etin Afa na" Matthew said.

"I just tire for Sade o! She has been chasing me since yest..."

she didn't let me finish my sentence when she started shouting

"Etin if I catch you ehn, just know that your own is finished".

"ooo please na, I was just joking ok ok don't worry you have small sense" I said while laughing.

The boys were all laughing too

" aba! She has small sense ni" Tobi said.

"yes now" I replied.

We finally walked back to out spot under the tree after Sade succeeded in giving me two hot slap on my fresh back.  We were talking; well the girls were talking about some boys in class and I was just listening until they started talking about me and Jason.

"Etin do you like Jason sef, because I don't understand what's going on o" Miriam asked.

"I don't like him o" I denied.

I mean why should I tell them that I like him when they can use it against me.

"are you sure? We have been noticing some things o" Sade said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"yes I'm sure" I said dismissing the topic.

"soo who is Wilson's bae? I asked trying to see if Ada would say anything.

"Wilson doesn't have any girlfriend sha but he has girlfriends" Ese said while laughing.

"hahahaha girlfriends indeed abeg o are you now trying to say that he is a girlfriendnizer" I said trying not to explode from laughter.

  "Wilson does not have any girlfriend besides if he had it would be just one girl" Ada said nonchalantly.

I know her mind was anything but nonchalant about the topic and she was just pretending.

"I pray o, Wilson that looks like someone that can toast anything on skirts" I laughed again.

  "please please please, my Wilson has class and he does not flirt with any how people thank you" Ada suddenly exploded.

A-ha I have caught you o. 

"eheh which one is your Wilson again" Titi said.

There were murmurs of 'I tire o' and 'help me ask her'.

" nor bother o, that guy nor send you" Miriam said.

"he likes me but he is just acting because we are in school" Ada defended.

Trust me to add tea and coffee inside.

"this one that you are talking like this are you guys dating sef" I said purposely trying to get her to expose her self.

"no we are not what's your own sef, do you like him?  She threw the question back at me.

"yep, I like him a lot and so" I said. 

"hehe, don't try your self o" she said. 

"abeg it's ok e, abi you want to fight me. If you like be crushing on someone that does not even like you rubbish" I said.

" you people should rest o. Ada if you like Wilson no problem but remember that it's book first o" Miriam said.

"it's ok o. Oya who do you guys think is the most handsome boy in class" Jane asked.

I  knew the answer to that question but there is no way I'm saying it out.

" for me it's Divine o" she said. And she wasn't lieing .

Divine is handsome but my crush on Jason will not lemme see road well.

"I will go with Matthew I mean, have you seen that guys legs? His legs ehn chai" Ese said.

Laugh wanted to take me to heaven; what's up with his legs sef? I won't deny he has nice legs and he is handsome too but the way she was talking about the legs ehn it was just something else.

After talking and talking for what seemed like forever, it was time to go home. My dad wasn't coming to pick me up today because it was just 1pm. I found out that me, Titi ,Sonia, and favour,were living in the same area  so we decided to take drop (keke) to our house.

I was the last to come down from the keke and the driver dropped me at my house. I opened the gate then locked it as soon as I got inside the compound. I opened the door with my house key as my mum was not around. There was light so I decided to take a bath before going to the sitting room to watch TV.

I went to my room, took my bath and wore one short and tank top with my mom's hoodie cause the weather was a bit cold. I went to the kitchen, opened the cupboard and saw that there was jollof rice in the pot. I took a round ceramic plate and took a large quantity of the rice, added one egg on top with one meat.

I then took one Pepsi to push everything down.  I went to the sitting room, switched on the TV and the Dstv then went to sit with my food and the TV remote in my hand. I changed the channel to nickelodeon and saw that the thundermans was on and I left it there and started eating.

PS : 'toast' is another word for 'flirting'😀
Etin likes looking for trouble o and she also likes enjoyment 😂
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