Chapter 24

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"How could she say something like that" my dad shouted at the principal through his phone.

When my parents came back from work, I didn't hesitate to tell them about what 'miss sadist' said in class.

My mom was really sad and my dad tried to hide his pain as he tried to console my mom. He took his phone and called my principal who apologized and told him that he had the matter under control.

After sometime they finally ended their discussion and my dad sighed loudly.

"Honey, I talked to him and he said he was going to sack her" my dad said to me.

"Yes! That serves her..... My mom didn't let me finish as she was obviously against the idea.

"No no no... Tell him not to fire her. That may be her only source of income " my mom said.

I couldn't help but stare at her like she had two heads. Who would forgive something like that? Of course; my mom would.

" but babe she... "

"I know but she may be going through something or I don't know. Yes she was wrong for insulting my baby but it's wrong to pay evil for evil" my mom said.

My joy was short lived as I was already thinking about giving my classmate correct gist about 'miss sadist'.

"Ok then, I will call him and tell him not to fire her. Are you sure that's what you want? My dad asked.

" yes babe" my mom answered.

"Mom it's not all about you o. She called me a mistake". I said shedding crocodile tears. Trust me I was still mad but not as before.

"Etin you are not a mistake and will never be one" my dad said firmly.

"Darling you were not born by a mistake. Don't mind your teacher she was not in her right senses when she said what she said" my mom said.

" I want to go and take my bath now. Etin please make small nescafe for me. Honey let's go " my dad said as he took my mom's bag from her and they both walked upstairs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning I got to school around 7:46 am and was finally heading to my class around 9 am as my dad decided to go to the principal's office.

'Miss sadist' was present and was just begging me and my dad to forgive her bla bla bla. I tuned out when I couldn't listen to her again.

I entered the class and all eyes were on me. I went to my seat and Sade looked like she was trying not to ask me any question but I guess she was like fuck shit and decided to bombard me with questions as the lady she is.

"Etin how are you now? Your dad came to school right? We heard him shouting in the principal's office. Did your mom come too? Did...... She wanted to ask another question when Jane put her right hand on her mouth.

"Aunty shut up abeg ahah how many questions do you want her to answer at once " Jane asked.

"Oya sorry Etin just tell us what happened" Sade said.

After telling them what happened, a teacher came to our class and introduced himself as Mr Peter aka Mr koboko. Funny name right? He said his specialty is flogging silly offenders ; boys and girls.

He was our English tutor and was really dark in complexion. He asked some basic questions and whoever knew the answer was instructed to raise their hands.

He cracked small jokes once in a while but didn't let it distract us from the topic he was teaching.

* * * * * * * * * *
It was break time and I was outside the cafeteria with blessing. The woman in charge of the cafeteria was as slow as ever in attending to students.

We didn't wait for our turn as we where seniors and quickly told her what we wanted. When she saw that what we were buying was going to be up to 1000 naira, she started attending to us ignoring the other students shouting "aunty!

"That woman sef, you just shouted that you wanted two nutri milk and she just turned sharp sharp " Blessing said laughing loudly.

"The woman is looking for money na it's not her fault o" I replied laughing.

We walked to the field and I changed into shorts and tank top as we were about to play basketball game with sss2 girls.

It was girls against girls as the boys were playing football.

Sade, Ada, Joy, Ese, and I the basketball 'champress' according to Jane were playing against ; Cynthia, Sonia, Victoria, Bene, and Sam.

Few minutes into the game we were all sweating and it was 2-1. The sss2 girls were leading with 2 goals scored by Sam and Bene. The 1 goal we had was scored by Ese.

This girls were really good at this game though.

At the end of the game, it was a tie and we had to break it by shooting one by one. We started first with Ese shooting the ball and it went over the basketball net like woops. We clapped shouting you tried and she went behind us.

The other team's Victoria, threw the ball and she scored making it 3-2 now. They all screamed her name and did this funny dance they've been doing with their hands and waist.

It was our turn and Sade threw the ball and yeah the ball entered the net and we all screamed in excitement it was 3-3 now.

It went on like this till it got to the last person on our team's turn; me.

I threw the ball and it entered the net and we all started screaming as this was the fifth goal we scored making it 5-3. We were going to win even if the other team scored another goal.

They played but didn't score anything and we screamed again.

* * * * * * * * * *
On our way to class, I saw senior Benjamin and his cohorts walking towards us.

"Etin Etin, how are you now? He said

'Not again ' I thought annoyingly.

That's the end if this chapter guys💕

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