chapter 23

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" I know you all just started but you should know that you are supposed to  read ahead in secondary school be cause few years from now you'll be writing your ssce exams " she said opening her notebook while turning to write test on the board.

" all these teachers sef, we just started and she's talking about ssce examination" Jason said whispered not so quietly.

" who was that? Our teacher turned back and looked at the seat in front of us.

" it wasn't me ma" Dupe answered anxiously. 

"If you don't show me the person that made that statement then I'll make sure I deal with you all in this seat" our economics tutor said angrily.

Lo and behold, Dupe started crying and boy was I shocked.

"I I.. I.... It was not me ma I swear" she said shakingly.

I wanted to just tell the teacher that it was Jason but snitching is not my thing so let me just sit this one out.

"You children think you are smart abi? Don't worry you will see my true colors very soon" she said as she turned back to the board.

"Na wa for this woman o, is she a sadist or which one sef" Wilson whispered.

"I just tire o since she entered the classroom all the good energy just flew out of the class" Jane said.

"Maybe her boyfriend broke up with her " Jason said and I tried not to laugh.

We dropped our bags in front of the classroom and went to our seats holding a sheet of paper and pen.

The questions are on the board I give you twenty minutes.

"I'm glad that majority of you gave me answers I want. You can take your bags and bring out your notebooks" our economics tutor said as she wiped off what she wrote earlier on the board.

Some people stood up to collect their bags while some did transfer of bags to their friends.

"Our topic is going to be 'definition of economics' and we are going to define economics according to different ecomomist" she said.

Halfway into the class, the tutor already ordered some students to stand up for talking, not answering questions, laughing and so far I think she is very mean. It was question time and she was just pointing at students randomly.

"Who can define economics according to Alfred marshall? She looked around and of course as expected she pointed at me.

I stood up as fast as possible before aunty will say I am sluggish.

"Alfred Marsall....  I was about to correct myself and call 'Marshall' instead of 'marsall' when she shouted.

"So at this your stage you can't control your tongue ehn!

"I am sorry ma I was ab.........

" I am talking and you are talking!  Who is your mate?  Me? You are very stupid  for that".  She said angrily.

What did I actually say that was making this one shout like this. I thought she was done.

"No ma I am sor......" and she cut me off once again.

"I can see that you were born by mistake you unfortunate idiot and you expect your siblings to respect you hmmm I pity your siblings. "  she said and I don't think I've been angrier.

Knowing what my mom went through giving birth to me and how her womb got damaged, I think it was safe to say  that  this was the last straw that broke the camel's  back.

"With all due respect ma you are a fool and a very big one at that" I spat bitterly.

"D d..d did you just refer to me as a fool? She asked in disbelief.

"Hell yes I'm talking to you.  My mom had to go through series of operation damaging her womb in the process just to bring her first and only child into this world and you tell me I am born by a mistake?

The same woman who keeps crying every night for God to give her another child so I won't be lonely gave birth to a mistake?! I said crying and shouting at this miserable woman.

She looked shocked and I knew she was about to apologize when I carried my bag and stormed out of the class with some of my friends running after me .

I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my eyes as I tried to walk down the stairs without falling cause my vision was blurry.

"Etin..... Etin wait up! " I heard someone shout but I was so livid I couldn't turn back.

I got home minutes later and I went to my room.  I felt like holding that teachers neck and hljust dragging her like the ragdoll she is.

Everybody has their own problem and they try to deal with it but she is just putting her anger on another person.

I can't believe she said I was born by a fucking mistake like how can a teacher tell a student something like that.

I opened my WhatsApp and when some of my old friends asked about my day, I just told them about the tutor.

I didn't want to think about it again so I took a shower and went to watch a movie.

I got calls from Sade, Jason, Jane, and some of my classmates telling me not to be angry and that they reported the tutor to our principal who according to them "made her see Oba".

They made me laugh silly and I was just glad I had friends like them.

I did the house chores then went back to my room to read the only subject I could offer thanks to 'Mrs abi miss sadist'.

What was her problem sef?

And that is the end of this chapter💕

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