Chapter 30

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I went back to school two days later and learnt that the principal talked about the situation during assembly something I wasn't comfortable with.

I got stares everywhere I went and it was annoying to say the least.

My classmates kept trying to ask questions about it but I didn't have the mental energy to answer them.

I just wanted to go home as soon as possible.

"Etin" I turned around and saw Jason playing with his pen.

"Yea" I answered.

"How are you feeling for real? He asked.

I knew why he added 'for real'. He had been asking me if I was okay and I kept replying 'yes'.

"Well to be honest, I'm still overwhelmed and I think coming to school today was a bad idea. Everywhere I go, I see the bastard and it's honestly frustrating". I answered.

"It's ok Etin he is in prison. I understand how you feel sha" Sade said.

"No! I shouted making different heads turn towards our direction.

"Etin what's up? Jane asked.

"Don't tell me you understand how I feel please don't try it again. Were you kicked, punched, has anyone ever torn your clothes before? Do you have to close your eyes when taking off your clothes because you can't even look at yourself? Do you feel pains when taking a fucking shower? You don't even have to look behind you every fucking time. You have peace of mind something I would kill for and you are here telling me you know how I feel!! I shouted and stormed out of the classroom with my bag.

I knew I had to go home now as I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody.

I was sitting on the floor of my bathroom crying silently. I moaned in pain whenever I felt the sting on my stomach and some other part of my body. Thinking about it, I was too harsh on Sade. She didn't do anything and I just took out my anger and frustration on her.

20 minutes later I left the shower and took my phone wanting to call Sade then kept it back when I remembered that she was still in school.

I wore my clothes and went to the sitting room. I turned on the TV and changed the station to nickelodeon.

I wasn't even paying attention as I kept on thinking about Benjamin. I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Jason hadn't showed up.

I shook my head and went to collect nutri milk from the refrigerator. I wasn't really hungry and it was still morning. I should have just kept quiet and stayed in school at least I would have learnt something.

"Ugh" I signed loudly .

Guess I'll just chill till my parents come back. Should I just go back to school? Nah, there is no time sef.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

My parents came back by 7pm but I didn't tell them about me coming back from school.

I was in my room talking with Sade on phone. I apologized for my behaviour towards her and she told me not to worry about it that she'd be angry too.

I told her that she could slap me whenever she sees me and regretted it immediately she shouted screaming in delight.

Some of my classmates chatted with me on WhatsApp and I could smell their pity.

I really don't like been pitied sha but I'm not going to blame them . They were just trying to make me feel better.

* * * * *

I woke up the next morning feeling kind of refreshed . I had a really nice sleep , no nightmare and I was relieved .

I took my bath feeling a little bit uncomfortable with the small pains here and there.

My dad dropped me off and I went to the basketball field first. I sat down on a giant rock in front of the field and I could feel the fresh air blow against my face.

I brought out my phone and my earphones , searched for calm songs and played 'just give me a reason' by pink. It was 7:23am and I had just enough time to chill here before assembly.

I tried not to think about Benjamin but I still could'nt help it. I didn't think about him too much though.

It was 7:56am and I knew it was time to leave my new found comfort zone.
I got to class and said hi to my classmates. I kept my bag on my chair and guess what ! Sade gave me a slap.

"Ahh you want to kill me?

"Sorry babe, I don't break my promises " she said laughing like an idiot.

"Yeye person" I said giving her a small slap on her back.

"Whatever , let's go before all this grumpy ass teachers will come and start flogging somebody".

After the assembly, our math tutor came to teach and he gave us assignments to be submitted the next day. The topic was on angles and there was nothing I hated more than angles.

Our physics tutor entered the class two minutes into his period.

He was young and I knew he was one of those teachers we call 'student-teacher.

Jane told me he taught them yesterday and he even gave them assignment.

"If you know you didn't do your assignment stand up" he said.

Some student stood up from their seat including Ada; that girl will never change. I laughed in my mind.

"Those of you that did yours, place them on this desk" he said pointing to a desk close to the wall. They did as he instructed.

"If you hear your name stand up" he said.

I was the only one sitting when he was done calling names.

"Why are you still sitting? He asked.

"I wasn't around yesterday sir" I answered.

"Hehehe, you just entered senior class and you are already skipping class hmm; sorry for you o" he said .

What is wrong with this one now?

"I didn't skip class intentionally sir, something came up" I replied.

"Something came up" he said obviously trying to mimic me.

"Yes sir" I replied again.

"That's how your parents will send you to school and you prostitutes will leave school to go and see your chewing gum boyfriends " he said.

I was about to give this he-goat of a teacher a piece of my mind but someone beat me to it.

"With all due respect sir, stop being silly and start acting like the adult that you are" Jared said.

I felt happy when he spoke on my behalf because he even added respect to it. I was about to insult the living daylights out of him.

"Excuse me? The tutor asked obviously surprised.

"Excuse you. How dare you talk to a student like that you man whore! I don't know what goes through that thick head of yours but if you think you can come and disrespect a female in this class then you are really dumb" Jared said.

Is it bad that I wanted to give him a hug right now?

"Don't mind him, with his mouth like prostitute. You don't know what happened or where she went to and you just concluded she went to a boy's house. How shallow can ones mind be ? Jason said.

That was how everybody started to rain insult on the student-teacher and I almost believed they were insulting him for another reason.

Question: was Jared right to call his tutor a man-whore?

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Edit* just realized I wrote subscribe 😂
I'm on YouTube by the way

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