First day of school

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"Etin hurry up, your dad is about to leave and you know I don't do school runs"my mom said while making breakfast.

" o o! but I don't want to go to this school Na, the students are too much sef, I'd rather attend a boarding school " I said to my mom while going towards the sitting room.

"come on go and meet your father! see her mouth. Many of your age mates can't even afford two square meals a day and you are here complaining. If you don't want to go to school better talk o! So that we will know what to do with you" my mom shouted while glaring at me.

If looks could kill, I would be in heaven by now.

" I didn't say I hate school, i was just.....

"shut up" my mom said obviously not interested in what I was about to say. " Go and open the gate for your father jare.

Grumbling, I went outside and saw my dad about to start the car and I walked to the front seat.

On my way to school, I couldn't help but think about the way the school was going to be like. Where the students friendly? Where they bunch of rich snobby people? Oh well, I think I have about three or four years to decide.

We finally got to the school at about 8 am and I followed my dad to the principal's office. The principal whose name was Mr Umukoro, was tall, fair and looked nice. He informed us about the basic affairs of the school, closing time, break time and other stuff. When they were done, we went to the book shop to collect the items I needed.

"Etin, take this 500 Naira I'll come before closing time to pick you up". My dad said while bringing out a 500 Naira note from his wallet.

"make sure you pay attention to your teachers and try to make good friends ok? "

yes sir" I replied.

"Good see you soon " he said then walked towards the direction of his car and went to work. I would have snuck into the boot if I had my chance. Sighing, I went back to the principal's office. He picked up his telephone and called a person to come and take me to my class.

" Someone is on her way to take you to your class. I hope you enjoy your stay with us" he said smiling at me.

"Yes sir, thank you sir" I replied .

" Sir I'm here" a woman who I think was in her early twenties said.

" ok, please take this young lady to her class, she's in jss3".

"Ok sir; please follow me". I followed her and we stopped at the front of a class and as usual the students were making a noise.

"kpa kpa, kpa kpa kpa! Good morning ma" they greeted.

" Good morning students, as you can see, you have a new student. Make sure you treat her well".

I wished I could turn back and go home as I felt extremely shy. They all stared at me like I fell down from heaven. I quickly went to sit at the middle as there was a free seat there.
I didn't talk to anyone as I took out a novel and started reading it.

" Hi my name is Tobi, what about you? I turned to my right and saw a dark skinned boy there.

" My name is Etin" I replied feeling shy as the whole class was looking at us.

"Cool name, are you a Benin girl?

"Yes I am"

"Ah no wonder but you don't have any tribal mark on your face, he said looking at my face curiously.

"no I don't "

"Alright, let me introduce you to your fellow classmates " he said while walking up from his seat to the front of the class.

O boy this is going to be a long day.

So guys how was the first chapter 🤔
Please, I would love to see your opinion on this chapter🙈

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