chapter 5

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New update! Enjoy💕

"so, you decided to come and sit with us Abi? Jason asked.

"yes o, that place is lonely jor". I said in a joking manner.

"well, welcome to the best row in this class " he said.

"Hahaha, why is it the best row? I laughed.

"ahan! Are you really asking me that? This row is filled with the most beautiful, handsome and intelligent students in the world; if you think I'm lying, look around. He said while laughing and winking at me.

I looked around and saw that he was right; everyone in this row (including me) was good looking.

"ahan, but the rest students are fine now " I said.

"yeah, keep giving them hope o; but we all know that there's no hope for Wilson " he said and quickly jumped out of his seat as Wilson was about to pounce on him.

" idiot; so in your mind, you are more handsome than me abi? Wilson asked while hitting Jason at the back of his head .

"Ehn! What did you just say? Wilson, don't let people hear you o; or else" Jason said .

It was now I realized that they were both standing at the front of the class.

"let's ask Ada na; Ada, who is more handsome? Wilson asked.

"shut up ee! What do you expect her to say? Ode. Let's ask Etin jor, at least she won't lie. Jason said turning towards my direction.

OMG, they are not really going to do this.

"Oya Etin " Wilson started.

" God please just help me this one time " I pleaded in my mind.

"Who is more handsome? He asked. I saw the whole class staring at me.

"uhm..... I was about to embarrass myself when our social study tutor entered the class. I had never been happier.

"Kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa ,good afternoon sir" we all stood up and greeted him.

"good morning students, how are you all? He replied.

"we are fine thank you sir" we replied.

"hope your night was fine and your brain refreshed because we are going to be having a test today" he smirked in an evil or what seemed to be an evil manner.

He walked to the middle of the class, dropped his stuff on the seat closest to him and began writing something on the board.

He turned to face the class and said

"alright, tear out a sheet of paper and drop your social study notebooks at the front of this desk" he said while pointing at the desk where he kept his things.

We all brought out our notebooks and passed them to the next person who in turn passed it until it got to the front seat at the middle row.

"good, now write your name, date, subject and answer the questions" he said.

We did as he said and began answering the question he was writing on the board when he suddenly turned back to face us.

"Ehen! Don't copy the question o, I know what I told you to answer so there's no need to copy the questions again, understood? He asked.

"yes sir" we replied.

He wrote about five questions with children and grandchildren (sub questions) and then started walking around the classroom monitoring us so we don't cheat. I hope he knows he is wasting his time because students always find ways to cheat no matter what. I think it's a talent or something. To be honest, the questions where really simple. I turned back and saw that some people where discreetly asking their friends.

Ada turned back too and I couldn't help but laugh quietly, I thought she was too proud to ask questions. He gave us about 20 minutes to answer the questions but I was done in five minutes; like I said the questions were quite simple.

When the time was up, he shouted "pens up! Everybody drop down your pen and raise up your hands ".

We all dropped our pens and rose up our hands. I would have submitted earlier but I didn't want anyone to think of me as sabiana (know it all). He came to collect our test papers seat by seat and went to take a seat at the front row in order to mark our test papers.

While he was busy marking we took our time talking about out scores and some other things.

" omo I know I'm going to get all my questions right" I heard Ada say. 

"Yeah right after asking like half of the class for help" I laughed in my mind.

" Etin how far now, how was the test" Sade asked.

"it was fine o" I replied.

"ahan see question o, somebody that was writing and the whole table was shaking " Jane said while laughing.

" the table was shaking? I pray o" I said.

  "it was o! That was why I asked how far now. I even wanted to ask for some answers but your face was just too serious" Sade said.

I started laughing really hard.

"abi o, me sef sha wanted to ask but I was like omo this girl won't answer me self" Jason said.

"alright now no problem, feel free to ask next time o! Don't mind my serious face" I said still laughing. This children were something else I swear down.

"oya o everybody keep quiet, if you hear your name stand up" our tutor said.

"Jason, Etin, Jane, stand up".

We all stood up and I started to panic. I didn't know what to expect like did I fail it which one.

" everybody clap for these three " he said.

The class clapped loudly and he silenced them with a wave of his hand.

"They got all their questions right, some of you failed two answers and some failed woefully; I'm going to call those people out now so if you hear your name come out of your seat".

I sat back down on my seat feeling proud of myself. I didn't know Jason was that brilliant cause I thought he was one of those fine boys that has brawns but no brain.

"so madam Etin you really got everything right" Jane said smiling.

"yes now even you too" I replied smiling back at her.

" so you people just left me abi, it's ok o" Sade said while wiping off fake tears from her eyes.

" nobody left you o why did you not ask questions ,anyhow sha uncle has not called the other people's name so chill" I said while laughing.

"ok o if you say so" she replied.

"oya o! Listen up; Ezekiel, Destiny, Bobby, Gift, Ada, Mariam, Daniel and Matthew stand up and run out" he said.

I was just laughing in my mind because Ada was among them upon all the spying and asking. She looked like a deer caught in headlights  as she struggled to come out of her seat as fast as she could so as not to offend the tutor.

Xup lovelies 💕 it's been so long and I apologize. I couldn't publish new chapters because I've been extremely busy, my mom gave birth and I was also too lazy and tired to write. I'm gonna try and start updating ASAP.
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