chapter 12

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After eating, playing games and goofing around, I wanted to go home.

"I think it's time for me to go o" I said standing up and taking my bag.

"ok na, we will talk later" Sade said.

"byee" some of my classmates said. I waved at them while leaving the eatery.

I entered keke napep to my house because my dad was not going to pick me up today. I told him that I was going to spend extra time with my classmates. The keke dropped me at my house and I opened the gate with my personal key. If you are wondering why we don't have a gate man, it's obviously for security reasons and my dad keeps talking about different stories on how gate men steal properties, misuse properties when the owner is not around and other stuffs like that.

I entered the compound, opened the door with my house key and entered the house. I went to the kitchen and saw my mom cooking my best food in the whole world.

"yam and owo!
I screamed in delight as I couldn't contain the excitement I was feeling.

" so because of food you cannot greet again abi" my mom said.

"sorry ma, mummy bowa" I greeted in our local dialect.

"woyè na? She replied.

"oyèse" I answered giddily as I couldn't concentrate well because of the intoxicating aroma coming from the food she was cooking.

"go and take your bath so you can come and eat because I know that if you don't eat as soon as possible your mind will not rest" she said jokingly.

I think I kinda flew to my bathroom because I really don't know how I got here that fast. I quickly took my bath and threw on a short and tank top; then hurriedly ran to the dining room.

"wè wá Kwènè babanababana" (you have taken your bath already) ?

She asked genuinely surprised.

"yes, where is the food" I asked just wanting to eat as soon as possible.

"the yam is not ready o, I just added water again" my mom replied.

It was as if somebody used hammer to hit my head because I was not understanding what I was hearing.

"ma? I asked wanting to make sure I did not hear her well.

" I said the yam is still on fire o" she answered.

" o o o o! Why did you now tell me to bath fast naa" I said while tearing up.

Yes I ate pounded yam at kada but the food had digested since naa. I sat there crying silently and my mom was just looking at me as if I had grown two heads and then she started laughing at me.

" stop crying jor, your food is in the kitchen" she said while laughing.

I stood up, went to the kitchen and saw that there was a plate of food there. I took the food and went back to the dining room while taking a bottle of water with me.

"thank you ma" I said.

My mom was still laughing at me but I decided not to say anything. My dad came downstairs and saw my mom laughing; I knew he was confused because there were dried tears on my face and he was wondering why she was laughing.

" Etin why are you crying? He asked.

"nothing" I replied.

How can I tell him that I was crying because of food.

"honey why was she crying? He asked my mom.

" I don't know o, Etin why were you crying? She asked in a mocking manner.

"nothing, ehm something entered my eyes and I was helping mom to cut onions" I lied smoothly.

My dad looked at me, then at my mom and I think he finally decided to drop the topic. My mom brought food for my dad and herself and kept it on the table; they started eating and talking about their day as they normally did. When I was done with my food, I greeted my parents in our local dialect, kept my plate in the sink and went to the sitting room.

I watched small TV then I took out my phone, switched on my data and opened whatsapp. I saw most of my classmates were online but I didn't really want to chat with anybody, I just wanted to look at people's status. I don't really like chatting with people online like that sef.

I just want to reply or chat when I want to because at times if I reply a message, many people will know that I'm online and start chatting with me and I'll always end up sleeping at 3 or 2 am. After checking some people's status I decided to open instagram. I kept on scrolling through different feeds and liked some in the process.

I watched some videos and finally decided to go to my room and read some books as the time was about 4 o clock in the evening. I was going to tell my dad later to ask my principal for the type of textbooks to buy so I can start studying.

I took my maths textbook and started solving small mathematics then switched to some other subjects and finally settled for a book 'things fall apart' Chinua Achebe. The book was nice and kind of scary; that part about Ezinma being an ogbanje.

I kept on imagining different scenarios were the child will deliberately die and also come back again just to torment 'it's' mother. I see many ogbanje's around Ekiosa market where my mom's shop is. I followed my mom to her shop one day and one girl was buying something from one Iye (old woman) and the Iye was telling her that the bead was for ogbanje's and the girl was like

"ehen, bring am na d white and yellow one I want" I was just looking at her sha.

She was wearing one short short short that was even showing part of her butt and it's not like her shape was fine o, she had horror lap that had many gallops. I kept on reading then went to meet my dad to tell him about the books.

And that's the end of this chapter 💕💕 hope you liked it.
Another update coming very soon.
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Instagram: Etin_special

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