A/N not an update

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Don't worry guys I'll be updating very soon.
I just want to say a really B I G BIG thank you all. Thanks for voting and sending me private messages and support😊it really means a lot to me. Some of you have been voting excessively and I really appreciate it.
I can't believe we actually made it to

140!  reads !!😁😁😁

I know I know it may be small in your eyes but definitely not in mine😂
Thank you all once again😘😘

PS: I like using Emoji like a lot so 😂😋😘
Please like, vote, comment, follow and drop ideas on the story;  it helps a lot lot lot 🤷
You can follow me on instagram @ Etin_special for more information on MLASMHS and also get to know me 😏😏
See ya💕💕

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