Chapter 28

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                   Jason's POV

(I don't like switching POV's but I want y'all to see what Jason's character is like) enjoy!!

"We need to do something fast. He knows where you live and you think you are safe? He is a nasty bully"
I said to Etin who was rubbing her hands and biting her lips that I wanted to get a taste of.

"I will think about it don't worry. Thanks for today though. I'll see you later" she said and ran off not giving me a chance to reply.

That bastard that calls himself senior was a coward. He couldn't even take  rejection from a girl who was clearly not interested in him.

I knew he was a cultist but cultist were never a problem to me because of my dad.

My dad is the owner of Alexander hotel ;a five star hotel and he had other businesses across different countries including some casinos.

And every casino needed spies and trained fighters because at times, deals get messy and fights are involved.

My dad is a black-American while my mom is a Benin woman. They met at his hotel and got married after dating for two years.

Only Wilson knew about this though, as he was my childhood friend and my cousin from my mom's side of the family.

If Benjamin wants to mess with my girl, he has to get through me first.

With this thought I went back to our classroom and saw Wilson talking to Sade. I know he has a crush on her as he told me himself.

"Sade you know where Etin stays right?

"Yep why ?  She asked.

" I just want to know" I answered

"Hmm I won't talk too much sha. She lives at ogunmwenyi" she said and showed me the directions on Google map.

"Bro it's time to go. Something came up" I said and went outside knowing he was going to round off his discussion with Sade. I saw Benjamin talking with his friends and by the looks of it he was angry.

"Bro what's up? Wilson asked

"Benjamin has been harassing Etin can you imagine the bloody bastard has been hitting her because she refused to go out with him"

"You for real? Wilson asked

"Yea. I'm going to her area today to chill in case the dead beat animal tries to disturb her" I replied.

"We need to call the guys " Wilson said.

"Sure thing. If the bastard tries anything... "

"He's a goner. Such a loser why didn't she say anything? Wilson asked.

"She said he threatened her guess she was afraid he was going to do something" I replied.

"Wait o!  You remember senior Stephanie? He asked.

"Yea what about her? I asked

"She had a problem with Benjamin when we were in jss2. Matt told me he heard some girls saying that Ben raped her but nobody knew what really happened" Wilson said

" for real?

"Yea guess his title in his puny cult has been giving him balls" he replied.

"Lets move man" I said when i looked down and didn't see Benjamin again. We walked downstairs, went outside and stopped a tricycle (keke).

* * * * * * * * *
We stopped at her house and I must confess her house was gigantic and beautiful. It reminded me of my mom's house in Lagos. I wanted to ring the doorbell but I didn't know if she would get angry or something.

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