chapter 14

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The woman was walking towards me without the sticks on her head and I was really scared. I started walking very fast so as to fully enter my street and then run. When I fully entered my street, I ran like never before ; the way I ran sef ehn Usain Bolt would no longer be the champion in any Olympic race.

I quickly opened my gate thanking God that I didn't lock it with the padlock; I just closed it like that. I entered quickly and closed the gate while locking it with the key and entered the house panting like someone that was running from morning till night.

I closed the door, walked to the dining room, and looked through the window checking to see if the woman was outside the gate. I waited for sometime but she wasn't there. I started doubting myself thinking I was just imagining things when I saw the woman walking slowly.

She stopped and started turning around and for a moment I was afraid that she could see me but then remembered that all our windows were kinda tinted; I can see you but you can't see me kind of window. She walked to the front and then looked at the house opposite my house and also looked at my house; She then walked back to were she was coming from.

I heaved a sigh of relief  and took my bread to the kitchen happy that the crazy woman did not catch me. Who knows if she's actually a zombie or a witch or a kidnapper disguised as a female; God forbid bad thing sha.

I took out the tin of bourvinta and milk from the cupboard and placed them on the counter. I then took out a kettle, added small water inside and then placed it on the gas cooker. I would have used the electric kettle sha but there was no light at the moment.

I switched off the gas when the water was a little bit hot, brought out a cup and spoon, rinsed them and then added hot water inside. I then added two spoons of bourvinta and a spoon of milk to the water in the cup. I mixed it, then took another spoon of milk dipped it inside the tea and started licking it.

I kept on licking milk till I lost count of how many spoons I took and then decided to stop before I finish the milk;  my mom will just kill me. I took my food to the dining room, and was about to start eating when I felt like eating boiled egg instead of sardine.

Few minutes later, the egg was boiled and I was eating and operating my phone when I saw that I had received a message from Jane on whatsapp.

'hi' was what she sent me and I replied back.

She talked about how boring her life was at the moment and I couldn't help but agree with her. The only person that stayed very close to my house was Titi but she travelled to Lagos. When I was done with eating I entered my dad's room and started ransacking his wardrobe searching for novels that I didn't keep there.

I saw about three novels and was about to close the wardrobe when I saw a book on premarital sex. Me being the curious person that I am, took the book along with some other books that were certainly rated 18 but your girl must read everything she sees. I took the books to the dining and started reading.

After reading the book on premarital sex, I was more than determined not to have sex before marriage so as to prevent sexually transmitted diseases  and unwanted pregnancy. I don't understand why a boy and a girl will agree to have sex and when the girl gets pregnant, she bears the whole shame alone as if she impregnated herself.

I don't know which one is even worse sef; giving birth or doing aboortion. If you give birth to a child at a young age, you are automatically a prostitute according to the judging mouths of the public but if you do abortion, you may die or your womb may be tampered with by a quack doctor.

The best thing now is to just kuku avoid or abstain from sex. I mean, why will you ruin your life for pleasure that will not even last for a day. I went to my room to read some of the novels I took with me then slept off when I got tired.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and saw that my mom was calling. It was about 4:14pm and there was light. I answered the call and she said


"ma" I replied.

"is there light?

"yes ma".

"take money from the one your dad gave you and buy tomatoes 200. There is onions at home abi?

"yes ma" I replied.

"ok na, you will still buy fresh pepper 100, blend it small then use it to cook that stew sauce". She said.

"ok ma". I replied.

"you will peel that yam that I kept near the bucket of garri and put it on fire".

"alright" I replied.

"ok na, bye bye" she said as she ended the call.

This woman sef, I told her to give me money in the morning and she said she didn't have o. I went to the shop near my house and bought the tomatoes and pepper then went back to my house. I blent the tomatoes, onion and pepper in a way that it looked like something that was sliced with a knife.

I then poured it inside the pot and allowed to boil for some time. I added palm oil, Maggi, and salt to it then covered it a little bit.

Few minutes later the sauce was cooked and I started cooking the yam.  After peeling and cutting, I washed the yam then placed it inside a clean pot with small water and salt.
Few minutes later it was also cooked and the time was about 6 pm. My parents should be on their way by now. 

I left the kitchen and went to sit in the sitting room so as to hear them when they call me to open the gate.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd we are done with this chapter💕
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Next update coming very soon 💕
Have a blessed day or night (depending on when you read this).

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