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My fellow Nigerians! We've had enough of the police brutality.

Enough of politicians looting the funds meant for the citizens.

Enough of insecurity.

Enough of SARS killing our brothers and sisters.

Enough of them arresting and killing us unlawfully.

Enough of them harassing us and making life difficult and miserable for us.

Enough of us bribing officials in top positions just so we can get what we worked for.

Enough of the injustice we face in this country.

Enough of the shame we feel when we tell people we are from Nigeria.

Enough of everything.

Our leaders have made living in this country unbearable for us.

Prices of goods keep increasing but the salary of the ordinary man remains the same.

The price for a bag of rice is more than the minimum wage.

We leave our homes in fear and when we manage to come back, it feels like a miracle.

How can a police officer's salary be 9000 naira a month when a bag of rice is 42000 naira.

This is 2020 and we are still one of the underdeveloped countries in the world.

Good roads, stable power supply, good health care system is what we are still fighting for.

I'm glad that Nigerians have woken up from their slumber.

Our politicians travel out of the country for treatment when they have the common cold.

People die from diseases that could have been treated easily if we had a good health care system.

We can't boast of a good health care system but our leaders spend billions of naira renovating buildings.

When the hell did we get here.

You embezzle funds and you claim animals swallowed them.

They loot funds and set buildings on fire so they don't have to give account of the funds.

You open fire on protesters, your own citizens, the people who voted you into power.

Shame on you all.

Curse you and your generations.

You all will know no peace for making the lives of Nigerians bitter.

We suffer from abject poverty but wear smiles on our faces like everything is alright.

It almost felt like we were used to the suffering.

If you can't come out to protest, use different trending hashtag.

#endsars #endpolicebrutality #

We will protest until our needs are met.

Justice will be served.


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