chapter 19

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It was break time and some of us were in class while some were outside playing. Ada was just looking at me since morning and I know she has been dying to know about the name that Wilson mentioned.

"Etin please can we go outside and talk? Ada asked.

I wanted to just play with her small o but I didn't know if she had a pounded yam heart or moimoi heart.

"Yea sure" I replied.

I kept my bag on my seat and followed her outside.
Jane and Sade were just looking at us like 'what's going on?

Ada and I walked to the back of one building and I was just laughing in my mind. So in her mind Na the topic is so important that we now have to go to the back of a building to talk.

"so umm, remember that stuff we were talking about yesterday?  She asked .

"no I don't remember" I replied playing with her small.

"please na just tell me the name he called" she begged. Let me just tell her before she will faint on my head.

"he didn't call any name, I was just messing with you"

I said while looking at my nails like they were the most interesting thing at the moment.

"what! She yelled like she could not believe what I was saying.

" he didn't call any name o I just wanted to tell you something but the way you were responding made me tell you that he called a girl's name" I replied.

" what was the thing you wanted to tell me? She asked.

"don't bother it doesn't matter"

I said and was about to leave when she said

"please just tell me so it won't look like we wasted our time coming out here" she said.

Well since she said please who am I to refuse.

"alright, I just wanted you to know that I've been seeing you and Wilson at the back of that class" I said quietly.

If I had thought that Ada wanted to faint because I didn't tell her about 'the girls name' then this one was even worse.

She was about to fall down when my reflexes kicked in and I quickly grabbed her shoulder and watched in exasperation as she breathed in and out like someone that had just ran a 1000 metre race.

I know she wasn't supposed to do something like that in school but the way she was reacting was just something else.

"f....f..for how l..long have you been seeing  She asked still panting.

"since the first day I started coming to this school" I answered honestly.

"let me guess? You've told your f...f...friends abi? She asked.

I didn't really tell Sade and Jane because I felt like I was doing something wrong.

"no I didn't tell any one and I stopped going to that place ever since I saw you guys".

I lied wanting to reduce the heart attack she was probably having now.

"It's not my business so don't be scared I just wanted to advice you. You are still a secondary school student and you have so much ahead of you.

Your dreams, university, career and some other things you'd like to do so why give a chance for all that to be thrown away all because of some 'school crush" I said.

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