chapter 13

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" Etin! I heard someone calling my name.

I rolled around my bed and rubbed my eyes sleepily waiting for the person to call me again. I didn't hear anything and was about to go back to sleep when I heard my name again. I stood up and zombie-walked to the lobby where I saw my mom arranging her bag.

"mummy Lamogun" I greeted in my local dialect.

"koyó" she answered.

"Etin, we are about to leave the house; sweep the house and mop everywhere clean o and let the house be shinning wana wana o" she said.

"ok ma" I replied.

"make sure you sweep o, clean the walls, TV, ground, and anything cleanable. You'll make sure everywhere is shining as in a way that a person will have to wear glasses to see o" she said.

"I hear you ma. I will kuku bleach the house sef" I laughed.

"wò en (Na u know)! If you like use hypo and jik together, just make everywhere clean" she replied.

"alright ma". I replied.

I walked towards the sitting room and switched on the TV waiting for my parents to come out so I can go and lock the gate. My dad entered the sitting room holding a can of water and his briefcase.

"daddy Lamogun" I greeted.

"Etin wóye na (how are you) ? "he asked.

"òyèse (I am fine)" I replied.

"I talked to your principal about the books and she told me not to worry that you can get them from the schools book shop".

"don't buy from the book shop e; those ones that will sell a textbook of 1000 Naira for 2000 naira" my mom said.

" but it's better than going through the stress of looking for the authors of the books and whatnot " my dad replied.

"Etin ask any senior student in your school for the author or type of textbooks they are using" my mom said.

" I don't have any seniors number o" I said.

" ask your friends " she replied.


"you want to waste money for textbook, just give me the money to buy it myself" my mom said.

"hahahaha you try" my dad laughed.

" ehen now, since you want to waste money for books kuku give me" she replied.

"Etin oya come and open the gate" he said.

I followed them out of the sitting room holding the house key. My mom entered the car and my dad after walking around the compound making sure everything was in order, entered the car and turned it on.

I opened the gate but before they could go, I waved my hands stopping them and I walked to my moms seat and knocked at the glass. She rolled down the glass and said

"any problem?

" no o it's just that I don't have any money" I said putting on my most innocent face ever.

"and? She questioned further.

This woman sef I know she will not give me with the way she is asking 'and'.

"please give me money na" I said while joining my hands together in a praying manner.

"I don't have money " she said in an end of discussion manner and was about to roll up her glass when my dad brought out a thousand naira note from his pocket and gave it to me through her window; O how ecstatic I felt.

"daddy thank you" I squealed in delight.

"you are welcome " my mom replied.

My dad turned to look at her and laughed

"so you are now a man abi?

"yes" she replied.

"Etin bye o, make sure you renovate this house o" my mom said while rolling up her glass.

My dad drove out of the compound and I locked the gate, the protector and the door( you can never be too safe) then went to my room to continue from where I stopped. I jumped on my lovely warm bed and closed my eyes and my body then slept off.

I woke up around 9 am then went to my bathroom to take my bath and brush my teeth. When I was done, I rubbed cream on my body and wore a tank top and short. I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast because I was famished. I took some yam from the pot and added owo inside; then took a bottle of water and went to the sitting room. I know I'm supposed to eat in the dining but eh I can eat wherever I want.

When I was done with my food I then proceeded to 'renovate' the house as my mom had said. I took a broom from the storage room and started to sweep the house from my room to the sitting room. I then mopped the house and cleaned the pictures, tables chairs and the rest.

I was done with cleaning 2 hours later and I was really tired so I decided to stay in my room for some time. I watched some videos on my laptop then talked to some of my classmates on whatsapp who said they were in one place or the other. Sade for example was at her aunt's house while Ese was at her mom's shop.

I opened instagram, liked some post and also watched some videos I had saved but didn't watch before. I think I spent about 1 hour and some minutes in my room because the time was now after 1 and I was hungry.

I took five hundred naira from my bag, opened the protector and the gate with the house key, then locked the gate from outside and started walking to the nearest shop in my area. I walked for about two minutes until I got to the woman's house. I knocked on the gate and said

"I want to buy something".

"I dey come" she replied.

She came outside holding one small bucket and was wearing a wrapper which she tied firmly around her chest along with a black tank top.

"baby how you dey now? She asked.

"fine ma" I replied.

" how your mama and your papa na?

"they are fine ma" I replied.

"ok na, we thank God. Wetin you wan buy? She asked.

"give me one sardine, bread and recharge card airtel 200".

I said. "ok na". She went inside and after some minutes came out with a black nylon.

"Na only sardine and bread dey there o, I nor get card again".

"Alright ma". I said while giving her the 500 naira that was with me then waited for her to give me my change of two hundred naira.

When she gave me my change, I wanted to go to another store to buy the card but decided to keep my sardine and bread at home first so I went back home.
I went to another shop, bought the recharge card and was already on my way to my house when I saw a weird looking woman.

She was walking as though her legs were tied together with about four or five sticks of wood on her head. She was putting on a red trouser that was torn beyond repair and was also wearing a red shirt that was very dirty. When she got near me I greeted her and then she answered in a weird manner like I didn't even hear what she said.

I walked swiftly to my house while turning back systematically trying to see what she was up to. I kept on walking till I got near my street and decided to turn back. I turned to look at the woman and I was horrified.

Yep I'm gonna leave it here till we meet again 💕
Questions: 1. Etin where did you get money from cause you clearly said you had no money?
2. Why do Nigerian mothers like sending errands in a kinda annoying way. Like Can't you just say 'sweep and clean the house' which one is let it be shinning wana wana😂🤷

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Till we meet again on wattpad 😘 adios👋

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