chapter 7

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It was break time and some of us were talking, playing and doing whatever we were doing. I saw Tobi talking with Eseosa and I decided to go and say hi to him.

"hey" I said while sitting on the chair opposite them as they were sitting on the desk.

"what's up now? I said.

"what's up " they both said.

"I'm good, just came to greet you guys and see if you are gisting about me" I joked.

"we were o, how did you even know sef?" Eseosa replied.

"you see! I have good gist antenna o. My antenna alerted me and I decided to follow it" I replied.

"hehehehe, antenna indeed" Tobi said while laughing along with Ese.

" so, Etin have you heard? Tobi asked.

" heard what? I asked genuinely confused.

"some boys in this class are crushing on you" Ese said.

" I knew you guys were talking about me! I exclaimed; then I remembered what she said.

"wait what? I asked. "I said some boys in this school sef are crushing on you o! Tobi shouted.

"wow, umm ok" I replied not really knowing what to say again.

"which one is ok, you didn't even ask about their names, how they look like or which class they are from" he said.

" ahan, what were you expecting now? I asked.

"ehen, you will be like, "really! O my Goddd" I mean don't you girls like that kind of gist? He asked.

" me I don't o. I'm in jss3, I came to learn so... " I ended my sentence there.

" I know you came to learn but don't worry I will tell you some of their names not all o especially the ones in this class" Tobi said.

"alright o, start calling their names" I replied cause I knew he was going to disturb me with the "news" if I don't allow him to talk.

" senior Ayo, senior Benjamin, senior Daniel and Jamie. Those are some of the seniors and you know Jamie now" he said.

"yeah I know him, he is that guy that normally rings the bell.

"yeah, we would have told you the names of some boys in this class o, but we don't want you to start acting weird around them or they will start thinking that we told you about it" Ese said.

"no problem I understand you guys" I replied. " alright o I think I've greeted you guys enough o, later na. " I said.

" alright, we shall meet again but under different circumstances" Tobi said.

I just started laughing. " different circumstances indeed" I said.

"Ese, later o". "alright" she said.

I then went back to my seat and brought out my book that I've been wanting to read " arrows of the gods". I took the book from my dad's room when I was looking for something to read. He knows about me 'stealing' books from his room and he's cool with it. I was already reading when I heard Ada's voice. I turned to face her and saw that she was talking with some of her friends.

The way she was talking and whispering was just tempting me to go and listen to what she was saying and trust me I was ready to gather as much gist as possible. I systematically went to sit behind them and rested my head on the desk so they would think I'm reading.

"bought me one correct wristwatch and necklace, I felt so loved" she said. I think she was referring to Wilson but I wasn't sure.

"aww, that's so sweet" one of her friends whose name i'm not sure of said.

"why would he buy you something like that? Are you guys a couple now or what" she asked.

" no o he was even begging me to take it but I said 'no'. The guy was still begging me to take it so I just collected it from him out of pity" she said.

Hahahaha, pity indeed; I still didn't know who she was talking about but I could tell she was not telling the truth.

"the guy likes you then" Ifeoma said.

"who Wilson? I pray o. When I heard he has a crush on one of the girls in this class" the first girl I heard talking said.

"who? Ada asked.

" I don't know o but I heard the boys talking about it among themselves one day like that" she replied.

" if he has a crush on someone else that's his business. I never liked him sef, he was the one forcing himself on me" Ada said.

Haha forcing himself indeed; this girl is obviously pained with what her friend just said. Let me go to my seat jor I've heard more than enough. I quietly went back to my seat and  reopened my book.

After reading for so long , I became really hungry. I opened my bag and took out money from inside, closed the bag and went outside. I don't know where Sade and Jane went to sef. I went to the cafeteria and bought meatpie and a can of pepsi, paid for it and I was on my way to class when I heard someone shouting ''Etin''. I turned around but couldn't find the person calling and I decided to go back to my class.

I was near the classroom when someone tapped my back and said " those people are calling you" I looked at the direction he was pointing to and saw Sade and some other girls and boys on the basketball field waving me over. I walked towards them and Blessing said,

" Etin, we want to play basketball girls against boys will you join? She asked.

Mehn.... I love basketball so I don't see why not.
" yes I will play ".

" haha, thank God" Sade said.

I was wearing shorts underneath my skirt so it was cool. I removed my skirt and was left with my tank top and shorts. I saw the girls doing the same thing. Some boys went to get someone to be the referee and I used that opportunity to eat and drink my food and soon, we were all ready to kick some serious ass.

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