Chapter 26

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Startled, I turned back only to find Benjamin with a smug look on his face.

"Hey girlfriend, don't try anything funny tomorrow and I won't do anything funny. We good? He asked

"Yes" I replied wanting to get away from him as fast as possible.

"Give me your phone number" he demanded.

"I don't have a phone" I lied

"It's like lesson one was not enough for you uhh? He asked and the way his face changed showed me that he was ready to do something I wouldn't like if I didn't give him my number.

"Sorry, I was just joking. It's 09025465376. I replied.

"Good girl, hope you didn't give me a wrong number o? He asked.

" no I didn't, you can dial it" I said.

" there is no need to dial the number now I know you won't try it" he said arrogantly and I just wanted to give him a dirty resounding slap.

I was about to open the gate when I saw a car coming and it was my dad's car. Shit!

My dad came down from the car and asked "who are you young man?

"Good evening sir, I am her senior in school sir. I was walking around and I saw her outside and just decided to say hi" he replied in a really gentle manner that I was beginning to wonder if this was the same Benjamin that slapped me.

"Oh Etin is that true?

"Yes daddy"

"Ok then, nice meeting you. Etin open the gate" my dad said in a tone that said 'we will talk later'.

"Etin are you sure that boy is your senior in school? My mom asked for the umpteenth time.  She and my dad have been questioning me about Benjamin non stop.

"Yes mom. Like he said; he saw me outside and was done saying hi just before you came home"

"What were you doing outside? My dad asked

"I was just strolling around " I said ignoring the Benjamin drama.

"Etinosa, you know how people are. You hear about robbery,  kidnappings and different things and you are still coming out from this house ehn? My dad said.

This was the same man that told me to buy foodstuff earlier o and I think he realized that.

"You know what; don't leave this house at all. If I tell you to go out tell me no" my dad said.

"Yes sir" I replied

"Etinosa my daughter be careful o. I have been talking to you about boys before so I'm not going to talk much " my mom said.

"Ok ma. I replied.

* * * * * * * * * *
"Hahahahahahah eh Sade, so you mean you actually drank the whole palmwine" Jane said laughing at Sade.

After our first class, we were waiting for the next teacher and Sade was telling us about a time when she accidentally drank four cups of mixed palmwine and became heavily drunk.

"I'm serious o. The hangover I got the next morning told me never to drink any alcohol or whatsoever again" she said.

"Ehya,  Hangovers are the worst. It's like your head is telling you bye" Jane laughed again.

I wasn't fully into the conversation as I wasn't sure if Benjamin was going to try anything today. I saw him during assembly and he kept on giving me this cringe worthy look.

"Etin what's up now? You are not even saying anything '' Jane said.

"Nothing jor I'm just thinking " I replied nonchalantly.

"About? Sade asked

"School work and some other things nothing important "

"ok o" Jane said clearly not buying what I just said. 

It was our third period and we were enjoying our Civic education tutor's  class. I thought he was annoying at first due to the 'stand up and sit down ' trouble last time. He was just cracking jokes with a touch of civic education inside.

He was talking about traffic rules and regulations and when somebody mentioned zebra crossing, he began to ask questions like "can you go to any road and pass that zebra crossing even when the traffic light is showing red?

The whole class started laughing as we got his point. Only few people obeyed traffic rules in this country but as for that zebra cross sign nobody ever paid attention to it.

* * * * * * * * * * *
It was break time and I was about to go buy something as I had been hungry since ; when Benjamin along with his cohorts whose names  I learnt were Mike and Bossu (I don't even know what that means)  started walking towards my direction.

"What's up girlfriend " he said with his hand behind my back making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm good please take your hands away from my back" I said not being able to take it anymore.

It's not like he was ugly sha I just didn't like him.

"No problem love. Let's go to that empty class and talk small" he demanded.

I knew I had to go and I hated the way he made it seem like he could just boss me around.

We walked to a class that was not too far from my class and Benjamin told his friends to stay outside.

" Etin baby kiss me now " he said

What is this one's problem?

" no I can't"

"Why can't you I thought you were a big girl? He said

"I am not a big girl and that is why I'm telling you that I can't be your girlfriend " I said.

" not so fast Etin, you are my girlfriend or have you forgotten what you said?

"You forced me into saying that bull crap. Who in their right mind forces a girl to accept their fucking proposal?!  I shouted really angry.

"You are raising your voice at me? It's like you don't like yourself. I get any girl I want and this time you are that girl. No girl has ever turned me down before and you are not going to be the first " he yelled holding my hands so tight I knew they were going to be red.

"Leave my hand alone! I cried out.

"If you try any nonsense with me again you will regret it" he shouted letting go of my hands and I ended up falling on my butt.

I stood up, dusted my skirt and gave him a sound slap that gave my itching hands satisfaction. Benjamin held his face in surprise.

"You slapped me! He shouted.

"Yes I did and I'll do worse if you spew out crap from your mouth again. I have been way too quiet with you you stupid egoistical psycho " I shouted.

It's not like I was afraid of him ; it was the fact that he had many friends who I think belonged to a secret cult and I was just on my own.

" you are a fool for even raising your hands on me in the first place you baatard!  I yelled again.

and we are done here👀
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