Chapter 29

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                         Etin's POV

I was having fun with Jason and wilson who gave me a suprise visit. Jason was telling us about how he thought he was going to be able to fly if he jumped down from the stairs; silly child.

My phone vibrated and I looked down my mood going down down down.

I got a text from Benjamin saying I should come meet him at that building.

I was scared and knew I had to go when he texted again saying if I don't,  he will come to my house.

I told the boys I was coming and speed walked out of the house not waiting to hear their reply.

I turned to the left side of my street and walked towards the place I saw Benjamin the other day.

I got close to the building and the number of boys I saw outside made me rethink what the fuck I was doing.

Is it not better for him to come to my house? What the hell was I thinking digging a hole for myself.

I turned back sharply and started walking always as fast and careful as I could.

It was too late as they'd seen me already.

"Hey come here" one of them shouted.

I broke off into a full sprint running like my life dependend on it which it did.

They were hot on my chase but I was running good. I turned back to see if they were close regretting my actions immediately.

I fell down on the ground bruising my knees and my elbows. I tried to get up but was dragged up by another hand.

"Thought you could run fast abi" one of the boys whose name I had no idea said panting heavily.

"Ahhh!!  I shouted when Benjamin kicked my stomach for the second time.

"See the way you are shouting like the bitch you are. You sent your boyfriend to fight me abi?

I wanted to tell him that Jason beat the hell out of him.

"Stand up now or he didn't teach you how to fight? I will show you who I am and you will never forget my name " he said.

I tried to get up but my body was not cooperating with me.

He marched my hand and I screamed in pain. That shit hurt like hell.  He bent down and started rubbing my legs.

"Man see fresh legs, mind if I see your stomach? He asked getting up.

"No get the hell away from me you coward! Hiding behind boys t..... " I didn't get to finish my rant as he slapped me.

"You are still forming strong girl abi" he said.

I was about to reply when he got a hold of my shirt and started lifting it up.

"Stop please! I cried

"One more word and I'll make sure you don't leave this place alive. Now be a good girl and shut up" he said lifting my top again.

I wasn't going to let him touch me.

" leave me the fuck alone you psycho! I shouted giving him a punch on his face.

He kicked me again and tore my shirt down to my stomach.

"Omo see bobby!  Ben lord I go sha lash o" One of the guys shouted.

"Nor worry na, na turn turn but I go first deliver based on say.....  He drawled.

"You be boss" they yelled out.

"Ride on'' they yelled out again.

I tried to stand up but Benjamin had a really tight grip on my legs and I couldn't move.

So this was how being raped felt like. I felt so weak and powerless against him. Tears rolled down my eyes like there was a fucking river there.

"Get your filthy hands off of her you bloody bastard!   I heard a voice shout.

I looked up and couldn't help but feel relieved when I saw Jason walking towards Benjamin.

"Well well well her knight in shining armor is here" he laughed along with his friends or cohorts which ever you prefer.

I knew why he was laughing; Jason could fight him but he wasn't going to  be able to fight everyone here.

Just then I saw Wilson walk in with some guys that were along the age bracket of 20-23.

"Ty you know what to do" Wilson said

The guy who I assumed to be Ty nodded and gave a signal to the rest boys. They started fighting with Benjamin and the rest of his cohorts.

I stood up holding my shirt as tight as possible trying to hide my exposed bra.

" Etin are you ok? Jason and Wilson asked.

" yea I am" I replied.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I was in my house crying on my mom's shoulder. She kept on whispering sweet nothings into my ear telling me everything was alright.

My dad was on the phone with the police officer in charge of the arrest of senior Benjamin and his goons.

When Jason and Wilson took me away from the place, Jason called the police station around our area and told them about the situation. They came and arrested Benjamin along with his friends and I was surprised they didn't ask questions about the other guys.

Where did Wilson bring them from? How did they even meet self? I had so many question to ask but my mind was all over the place and I just wanted to go home that moment.

"He said Etin should go to the station tomorrow to write a statement " my dad said.

"Etin why didn't you say anything?  My dad asked.

"He threatened me dad" I said tears refusing to stop flowing from my eyes as I couldn't help thinking about what would have happened if Jason and Wilson hadn't  show up.

"It's ok hun. They are going to pay for inflicting injuries on my daughter" my dad said.

"That stupid idiot, lying that he just came to say hi that day we saw him outside the gate. Honey I told you he was no good " my mom said.

"Ugh.... If I had known I would have hired a bodyguard for you. I can't believe there are people like this still going to school" my dad said angrily.

"Etin it's alright baby girl.  I am happy those boys helped rescue you. Go take your bath. If you don't stop crying there will be no yam and owo for you o" my mom said.

She didn't need to tell me twice. I went to my room and pulled my clothes with pains all over my body. He actually did a number on me as there were bruises everywhere.

He tore my dad's shirt which was one of my favorite by the way.

I was lying down on my bed feeling exhausted. I went back to my room after eating and my phone was flooded with calls and text messages from my classmates.

I answered as much as I could and started feeling sleepy hence the current position I was in on my bed.

It had been a long day and I just wanted to sleep.

pretty please with a cherry on top 😢 Don't forget to vote and comment 💕

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