chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing and I knew it was my parents. I had fallen asleep on my bed after reading and solving mathematics. We were done with the rest of the subjects and mathematics was the last one.

"I'm coming" I shouted while opening the door and greeted them in our local dialect.

" mummy bokhian, daddy bokhian".

"ē koyo" they replied.

"how was the exam" my dad asked.

" it was fine o, the questions were very simple sef" I replied.

" what subject did you do today" my mom asked.

" civic education" I replied.

" what do you have tomorrow? She asked.

" mathematics " I replied.

"oya if you have done all your chores go and read " she said.

"ok" I replied.

I went back upstairs, opened the door to my room and jumped on my bed. I opened my textbook and started solving some examples and gave myself small work to do. I started studying before exam so it wasn't going to be hard for me.

I solved equations till I couldn't feel my hands again. I looked at the table clock at the right side of my bed and saw that the time was 1 am and I knew it was time to sleep. I got up and went to my bathroom which was also located in my bedroom to pee. When I was done, I washed my hands and my face then went back to my room. I rearranged my bed and went down on my kneels to pray for protection, prosperity, intelligence and some other things.

When I was done praying, I laid down on my bed and was about to sleep when I heard my name from the other room.

'O God no' I groaned.

They have started again like I don't know why Nigerian parents are always like this; they don't want to tell you to do anything o but they will want you to go and meet them when they can just tell you direct.

"Etin o" I heard again and I knew it was my mom's voice.

What was she still doing by this time that she wasn't asleep sef? I wanted to ignore her and pretend that I was still asleep but I knew better than to try that trick on my mom cause according to her, there were women before Sarah. I heard my name again and I knew I had to respond on time before my mom will come here and give me one heavy knock on my head.

I got down from my bed and zombie walked to my parents room. I knocked on their door and I heard a loud

"it's open o". I opened it and walked towards my mom.

"ma?" I said in order for her to tell me what she wanted.

"bring my bag for me; it's at the the left side of my wardrobe".

Seriously! That was why she made me get up from my lovely bed. I sighed and walked to her wardrobe and brought out her bag and gave it to her.

"any other thing? I asked.

" no, you can go". I discreetly gave her my annoyed look and slowly walked away. I closed the door and walked towards my room. I entered my room and was about to lie down when I heard my name again.

"Etin o!

"Ahhhhhhh! I whisper shouted.

This time I just wanted to pretend I was asleep but sadly it wouldn't be believable as it wasn't even up to one minute. I walked towards their room again and said


"sorry dear, please give me water" she said.

"ok ma" I replied.

I went downstairs and took two bottles of water and one juice just in case she wanted to add something to it. I went back to her room and gave it to her.

"you know me so well" she laughed.

I laughed too and asked " what are you using water for by this time?

"I want to take drugs o, headache wants to kill somebody o" she replied.

"o sorry mom, don't worry it will soon go away" I said.

"Amen o" she replied.

I went back to my room and slept peacefully.

I woke up in the morning at about 5am, prayed, took my bath and went to greet my parents. After greeting, I went to do my chores and when I was done, I wore my uniform and switched on the TV as I still had like 2 hours to chill since exam was starting by 9am.

"Etin" my mom called.

"ma! I answered.

"put rice inside cooler for me with one coke" she replied.

I did as I was told.

"still put rice for me o with one coke and one bottle of water" my dad said.

"ahan! Am I a food seller? I laughed.

"yep, oya give me 50 naira rice with 200 meat" he said.

"how will you buy small rice and many meat " my mom said.

"Abeg free me jor" my dad said while laughing really hard.

My parents dropped me off at school and I went to my class.

"babe what's up" Sade said while hugging me and taking my small bag from my hands.

"I am fine o" I said while slapping and collecting my bag from her.

The big head was ransacking my bag looking for something she did not keep there.
We walked to the exam hall and went to out seats as it was already 8:32.

"baby! Jason shouted once he saw me.

O God not again; this boy just like drawing unnecessary attention to me.

"if you call me baby again ehn, I will just raise you up and throw you to the nearest house in this place" I said trying to look intimidating.

"haha can you even carry my shoe, not to talk of carrying me" he laughed. I just kuku ignored the guy.

Finally! We were done with the exam and I was very excited. Some of my classmates were hugging themselves and talking about not seeing each other again. Some of them said they were no longer coming to the school again e.g Bright, Miriam, Matthew and some I can't remember.

" Etin I will miss you sha o" Miriam said while giving me a hug.

" I will miss you more" I replied.

I talked to some other classmates till we decided to contribute money and go and chill at Kada plaza.
When we got there, Sade opened the door and the people that agreed to come entered the eatery including Ada. We got lots of stares and I wasn't surprised as we were still in our uniforms.

Jason, Matthew and some of the boys went to buy what we wanted and we sat down waiting for them. They brought different food with the help of some waiters and I started eating as soon as my food was on my table. I mean who wouldn't! It's pounded yam and egusi soup o.

Xup💕💕 hope you enjoyed this chapter
So our lovely Etin is entering secondary school😁senior kpangolo😁

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