chapter 22

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I got to my house at about 4am and I've been walking around trying to think of a really good lie to tell my parents but no lie seems good enough. I could hear quiet sounds from within the house and I was dying slowly.

My parents were going to kill me today. My phone vibrated and I saw it was a call from my mom. I didn't want to pick the call as my heart was beating like mad.

My phone rang again and I knew I had to pick up the call.  I answered the  call and was bombarded with questions immediately. 

"Hello hello!  My parents shouted over the phone.

" hello" I replied in a really calm manner shocking myself.

"Etinosa!! Where are you" my dad shouted.

"I'm outside the house" I replied

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"Did you tell us you were going out" my dad shouted.

I could not reply again as I was sweating profusely. They've been questioning me for like one hour now and let me not get started on the cane I have been receiving.

" the next time you try such nonsense I will make sure......... I...  I will... Just try me! 

My dad shouted angrily as he left the sitting room. 

I was about to leave the sitting room when my mom called me back.

"Etinosa" she said with a voice so cool I wanted to cry.

"You want to kill me abi?  You want to kill me before my time abi?

"No ma" I replied.

"I don't know what to tell you again but you heard your father. The next time you try something like this, I will break your head and nobody will ask me".

She stood up and left the sitting room. I stood up from the floor and went to my room.

'What was I still doing by that time sef? If I had known I would have just left them.

It was 7am and I was already on school uniform. My parents left the house at about 6:45am meaning I was going to school myself. They were still mad at me but it was not that bad.  

I got to school around 7:45am and went to my class. I saw some of my classmate that went to the party including Jane and Sade. I went to my  seat and kept my bag down.

" babe what's up now" Sade asked. 

" I am fine o" I replied. 

"Hahaha nor be only fine so you are trying to tell me that you did not receive lashing from your parents abi"  Jane said.

"Oohh so you girls received your own dose ehn" I laughed.

"Only me o, Sade here lied that she was with her cousin who lives around that area" Jane replied.

"Sade for real? I asked

"Yes o. Bennie stays around that area now and thank God they didn't ask more questions when I told them. Would have been bad" Sade replied.

"Your own is good oo.  I saw my missed call and I was shooked. You know I don't know anybody in this area now so I couldn't lie and the fact that I even fell asleep sef" I said shaking my head.

"As in, I don't know how I fell asleep with all the noise.  Could you believe that I actually woke up around 4am! Jane said feeling sorry for herself.

"Hahaha at least I woke up by 2 abi 3. I won't try it again sha my whole body aches badly" I said.

"Sade you got lucky sha " jane said.

" I tell you" Sade replied.

" Etin what's up with you and Jason now " Jane asked.

"Nothing o we are just there" i replied

" do you like Jared? Sade asked.

" no na they are fine sha but we are just friends"

"Ok o hmm" Jane said pretending to cough.

" if you like develop instant tuberculosis that's your cup of tea or coffee " I replied.

We were still talking and teasing each other when Wilson entered the classroom with Best.

"What's popping people! The idiot shouted.

"I'm done with this guy" Best said.

"You just had to shout like thar Mr oga" I said rubbing my ears.

"Don't mind him jor"

"So you people will not answer me abi"

"We are fine o.  When did you get home sef? I asked.

" around 5am o but in case you are wondering, I am a big boy so I can come home whenever I like"

"Brother Wilson, I greet you " Jane said while lifting her hands in a fake respectful manner.

"I hear you jor, don't mind Sade that cannot greet " he said

"Sorry sir good morning oo" Sade said

"Good morning wifey how are you?

" you are not well ode" Sade said laughing but I could tell the motherfucker was blushing like a she goat.

"You want to deny me again it's not fair o" Wilson replied.

" all the girls that went to josh's party how market na? Best asked

"It was fun sha but mann person wey sleep catch nor good o. I don't know how I fell asleep sef. One moment I was like let me just rest my head ; the next moment it was 2 am " I said.

"No yawa sha the next time you go to a party you'll leave on time.  I left on time sha " Best replied.

We were done with assembly and started marching to our class singing the usual 'state and capital'.

We entered our classroom and went sit on our seats before the teacher entered the classroom.

"Etin what's up now" Ada greeted.

"I'm cool o" I replied giving her a handshake. 

After talking for some time I went to my seat. I looked around but couldn't find the two new girls in class. I asked Sade and she told me that they were no longer attending the  school again reasons unknown to her.

I waved at Jared and the rest cousins and they waved back with marvel shouting like an idiot.

Jason was sitting with Wilson as usual looking for somebody that will give him slap that will make his head ring.

The noise making in class stopped as soon as our economics teacher entered the classroom.

We all stood up to greet her and she answered and told someone to clean the board for her.

Nelson volunteered and went back to his seat when he was done and this woman decided to shock us by saying.

"Everybody tear out a sheet of paper and bring out your bags. We have a surprise test".

Hehehehe come and see mummuring and grumbling amongst God's children.

And that is the end of this chapter.
I know I didn't update on time and I'm truly sorry.
I was busy with school work and of course 'writers block'
I will try as much as possible to update as much as I can ❤

*lashing: flogging with cane

Etin will never go to a parry again😂
Meanwhile, what's going on with and Wilson ooo😉

Pls don't forget to vote, comment and vote ❤

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