chapter 21

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He was talking to a girl who barely had clothes on and it looked like they were flirting with each other or something and it was making me feel a little bit jealous but I thought better of it.

We were no couple and he can do whatever he wants. I was about to walk away when I heard my name.

I turned back and saw Jason walking towards my direction.

"what's up? he greeted.

"I'm cool o" I replied.

"did you see Jane? I asked trying to distract myself from thinking about what he was doing before.

"yeah, she was talking with Josh few minutes ago. Did you see Sade? He asked.

"yeah but she said she didn't see Jane " I replied.

"she should be somewhere around this place sha" he replied.

"yeah. This Josh sef! Shey he said it was going to be like a welcome party? I said.

"I tire o but it's not bad sha I mean like we get to partyy!" he said.

"yeah let's just kuku enjoy it like that abi?

"yes na and by the way you look beautiful " he said.

I was so thankful that I wasn't a white girl otherwise I'd be blushing like madd.

"thank you" I replied. My body was just doing me one kind now.

"did you find any place to sit? He asked.

"yeah, I actually came with Nelson and family" I said pointing at the table where Nelson and Jared were sitting.

"oh ok. He said looking like his mood just turned a little bit sour.

"alright na" I said.

"ok" he replied.

I walked towards Jared and Nelson's seat and flopped down on the closest chair I could find.

"did you find them? Jared asked.

"yes but I only saw Sade; aunty Jane is no where to be found" I replied.

"maybe she didn't come at all or you can just call her" Nelson suggested.

"yeah that's a good idea call her first" Jared said.

I later saw Jane when I went to the bathroom. She told me she had a runny stomach so she decided to spend some quality time with Donald Trump. OK she didn't say Donald Trump sha but that's what I normally call any water closet (since it's a white house). 

We were sitting with Sade and Wilson  and I was just here wondering if they had become an item or something.

I told Jared and the rest that I was going to sit with Sade so it won't seem like I was ditching them or something.

"Josh can lie sha"  Sade said.

"like the guy can lie for Africa" I replied.

"welcome party turned to clubbing; but it's not bad sha o cause person need to dey well these days" Wilson said.

"yea let's just enjoy the party like that then we will deal with him another day" Jason said.

As we were talking, Josh climbed a stage like something with a mic in his hand.

"hello peopleee! He yelled with so much excitement and everybody yelled with equal excitement.

"thank you all for coming here today and trust me y'all, it's gonna be fun all night " he yelled into the mic sending most people into a shouting competition or whatever.

He came down from the stage and walked towards our table.

"hey guys" he said shaking us one by one.

"guy you too try o see as everywhere bam" Wilson said while giving him those bro hand shake where they both snap their fingers.

"it's about to get more exciting bro" he said winking at Wilson. I was here trying to understand what the gesture meant but I gave up.

"Josh Josh welcome party abi? I teased.

"yes now abeg e all join" he said laughing sheepishly.

"alright o whatever you say" I replied

"Etin oooo" Jane shouted when she saw me twerk on Sade. Trust me; I can be crazy at times I mean even when I was in primary four in my former school ehn we used to dance like crazy.

We have been here for like 2 hours and the time was around to 7 and I was planning to leave by 8 sharp. My parents were going to be home by 10 since they went to my aunt's house to congratulate her as she just gave birth. The distance from her house to our house is very very far so yeah.

Blow my mind by Davido was playing and the vibe was madd. Everybody was just singing along and to be honest it was fun.

Ayo, Nelson and the rest of the boys were a whole vibe. Wilson was just fooling himself with Jared and Jason.

We kept on dancing to different songs the DJ dished out and it was all lit. I don't know how Josh did it but I don't really care.

I drank from the drink in my cup and though it still tasted kinda sharp, it was good. I think I was starting to get drunk as I could barely see things around me.

"Jared don't you think it's time to go home? I asked.

"nah the party is still going on and I don't think Ayo is ready to go yet" he answered.

"kk" I replied.

"you wanted to go home? He asked.

"nope, I was just asking. I replied brushing off the subject.

"alright then " he replied as he sipped on his drink.

Some minutes later I was mighty drunk and I couldn't even see clearly again as the people I was seeing looked like they were about to disappear.

Sade was lying on a couch and I walked over to join her. I pushed her to one side and tried to stay comfortable all to no avail. I decided to manage it like that since I had no other choice and that was how I slept off.

I stretched my arms as far as I could stretch feeling really uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and saw Sade resting her full body on my poor leg. I kicked her off of me and observed the place. It was pretty dark and the music was still playing but not as loud as before and everybody was asleep including Josh who was lying on a couch close to the bar.

I opened my purse which was around my neck and brought out my phone.  I  opened it and saw many missed calls from my parents and I was like 'why did they even call this much sef.  I checked the time and I was sent into panic mode. 

The time was 2:15 am and I felt like fainting and pooing at the same time.
Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I couldn't help but think about the fact that I was dead.

Xup 💕💕
Hope you enjoyed this chapter

I'm trying to update as frequently as possible cause I'm always busy

😂 Etin is so dead

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