chapter 4

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I wish I could say that I woke up with my face as that of an angel, fresh breath and perfect skin; Ha ha nope. I woke up with saliva on my phone and eww, my breath smells like garbage. I got up well, rolled from my bed and fell on the floor drawing my bed sheet with me.

I check my phone and its 4:26 in the morning. Woah! How did I manage to wake up this early? My mom is gonna be surprised. I walked to my bathroom, took my bath, brushed my teeth and wore my uniform with my socks, then went back to bed.

"Etin wake up o, are you not going to school today" I heard my mom shout.

She was already inside my room.

" I will Lamogun, I said greeting her in our local dialect.

" koyo, she replied.

I pulled down my covers and to say my mom was shocked would be an understatement.

"ahan, did you sleep with your uniform last night? She asked.

" no o, I woke up around 4 this morning.

" you see, that's why it's good to wake up on time. If you continue like this you'll get used to it, there will be no need to stress myself over you again" she said.

" I pray o, I don't even know what happened sef, I will wake up around 7 tomorrow " I laughed.

" 7 keh, it's OK na, your dad will leave you and I'll make sure you trek to school" she said.

" ahan, mummy " I said.

" Ehen now, Oya go and warm the food and sweep the house; I'm about to leave". She said.


I went downstairs, took a broom and swept the house. When I was done, I opened the cupboard to see the food we had at home. There was melon soup, stew and rice. I reheated the food and then took an apple or two or three (who's counting) from the  refrigerator and went to the sitting room. I switched on the TV and the gotv and went straight to nickelodeon.

After sometime, my dad came downstairs and it was time to go to school. I took my school bag and went to sit at the front of my dad's car.

I got to school at exactly 7:48 and walked to class feeling nervous. I stood by my classroom and heard some voices; seems like some students do come on time. After gathering mind for like 2 minutes, I entered the classroom and went straight to my seat.

After saying hi to some of them, I took out a novel and started reading it. It was like my best novel so far, Ada, my dad gave it to me last week.( OK, I stole it Kini big deal) . I've read it more than five times.

" hey, please let me see the book you are reading".

I raised up my head and saw Sade sitting on top of my desk.

" oh sure". I said handing the book to her.

" oh! I said it, Ada! She shouted at Jane.

" ha ha, I love the story sha, read it over a dozen times " Jane said.

  " really? Me too" I said.

We started discussing about the book and before we knew it, someone rang the bell which meant it was time for assembly. Sade and Jane took my hands and ran to the assembly line. I was shocked as I didn't understand why they were running. Was there a wicked teacher I should know about?

When we got to the line, I asked them " why were we running ?"

"oh, we want to stay at the back before the rest of the girls come here" Sade answered.

" yeah, we all like staying at the back but if they come before us, we would have to stay at the front irrespective of our height" Jane said.

" ha ha, I thought a teacher was coming with a cane or something " I laughed.

"no o, why will a teacher flog us sef, when they just rang the bell" Jane said.

" I don't know o, but some teachers are crazy sha" I said.

They laughed and after sometime people started coming out from their classes. I noticed that the primary school pupils had started their assembly and they were really good. It was like they were enjoying themselves. A female teacher was  in charge of the assembly today(senior school) ; she called out three students who led us in praises and worship.

When they were done, we sang the national anthem and the school anthem which I knew I had to learn. The principal came out to give the announcement.

" good morning students!

" good morning sir!

How are you all? He asked.

" We are fine thank you sir".

" good, last time I told the boys to make sure their hair was neat and short and the girls hair, plaited in a neat all-back. I hope you all obeyed my instruction other wise, you will face punishment today " he said.

I was on low cut for now so there was no need to plait my hair.  He walked round the assembly line and brought out some students with the help of some prefects and told the rest of us to go to our classes. We all went to our classes on a straight line. I entered the classroom and boy was it noisy.

I sat down on my seat and saw that Ada was already there. I couldn't help but remember  her and Wilson's little play yesterday. I wanted to say hi but I didn't want to embarrass myself so I just faced my front and waited for the teacher to come in.

" Etin!  I heard someone call my name.

I turned back and saw Jane signalling me to come. I went to her seat and sat down there.

" go and bring your bag na, we are only two in this seat sef". Sade said.

  I went to my seat and took my bag happy to seat with people I could talk to instead of sharing a seat with vicious Ada. Ada looked at me and hissed then turned to the other side and started talking to Wilson.

I went to Sade's seat and sat down close to the wall. Someone poked me from the back seat I turned and saw Jason the fine boy. "hey " he said. " hi" I replied.

😀Xup lovelies 💕💕 just decided to drop this one hope you liked it. I'm gonna try and update for at least once or twice a week.
If you feel there's something wrong with the story, feel free to let me know.
I know some of you are like "what the hell is wrong with Ada. 😂 you'll find out very soon.
PS: don't forget to vote and comment. Till then 💕💕much love.

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