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9 months passed...

Lisa's POV

"He's cute," Rosé whispers to me as we looked into the big window in the nursery, looking at Jennie unnie's baby.

He looks so much like unnie.

"Where's unnie?" I asked Jisoo as I noticed her stood beside me. Jisoo sighed suddenly as she stared at the kid.

"She's inside Y/N's room. She won't stop crying until we took her there." Hearing it from her made me sigh.

The doctors had a hard time on giving her birth because she won't make a move. It seems like she doesn't want to let the child out so there's nothing they could do but to take him out by cesarean method.

"When she woke up, she began crying and kept forcing herself to stand. She keeps saying Y/N's name again and again. So the doctors took her there."

The next day, I entered her room with Yeol. He was bringing a basket of fruits while I was bringing some flowers for her. I saw her mom looking through the hospital bassinet where the baby boy was and her father sitting beside her bed, trying to talk to her.

"Jennie, we should name him." I heard her father whispers. I glanced at unnie but she just shook her head and turned her back away from us. Her parents sighed, but I flashed a smile at them. I walked towards the bassinet and took a peek on the little guy, and he was sleeping peacefully.

"She won't even look at him." Her mom whispers to me. I glanced at Jennie again and saw her body moving quickly and I knew she was crying.


He opened his eyes and saw a white blurry ceiling. He kept hearing random voices around him. He tried moving his fingers but he couldn't feel anything. It seems like he's whole body froze and it was very hard to move.

"Jennie's been crying when she hears her son crying,"

He heard it loud and clear. But the thought doesn't sink in his head completely.

"Y/N needs to wake up now. Jennie needs him."

He inhaled air, but it seems like his body was shocked at the sudden entrance of air. He felt his chest ache, and his eyes suddenly went close.


"Yeol, he's having another cardiac arrest! Call the doctors!"

Yeol's POV

I lost my breath as I ran back to his room but the doctors already pushed Sajangnim and his wife outside of the room.

Hold on a little more, Y/N please. Don't leave us just like this.

His body was fidgeting up and down on the bed again as the nurses tried to hold him back onto place. The beeping sounds of the machine beside him was heard here outside, and I watched weakly how the numbers slowly decreased, the line was barely moving on the monitor.

In two months, these kind of scenarios went on repeat. One day, he'll be fine and the doctors would tell us he's fighting. Then suddenly, while we're busy watching him inside his room, the monitor beside him will beep loudly, making us shake and tremble in fear, making ourselves ready if this was his last then... we won't be able to do anything and just accept it.

I went back to reality when I heard loud sobbing noises from just beside me. My heart clenched when I saw her mom on the floor, crying her heart out. It must be so hard for her, seeing her son suffering like this.

Seeing your love suffering but you cannot do anything to help and save him.

From the window on Y/N's room, I saw the doctor suddenly checked his watch that made me panic and confused all of a sudden.

N-No, don't do this, Y/N.

It confused me more when the doctor took out his ball pen and turned on the small light, while checking his eyes. And I saw him move...

He nodded at the doctor all of a sudden.

"S-Sajangnim." I called out and he looked at me with a confused expression. "I-I think he's awake."

His parents suddenly gained strength again as they both stood up and stood beside me as I kept my eyes on him to make sure I wasn't wrong. And I knew I wasn't.

Just when the doctor took a step back away from his bed, I saw his eyes open. He was staring at the ceiling with blank expression. And again, her mom cried out of surprise and joy.

He did it. He finally did.

The doctor stepped out of the room and left his nurses inside, so they could fix everything inside.

"We're surprised that after the 16th cardiac arrest he had this month, he finally woke up." The doctor states and gave us a smile. We all sighed in relief as we heard him say that's he's awake.

"But he couldn't see anything when I pointed the light at him. He could only hear me."
I raised a brow and looked at Sajangnim. He cannot see?

"We'll prepare some tests so we could examine his body much further. But now, he's awake and that is what's important. You can go talk to him."

As we entered the room, I chuckled when his head turned to our direction. His ears are sharp.

"Y/N?" Sajangnim called and walked slowly towards the bed. His voice cracked but he immediately cleared his voice to tamper it. But I knew he wanted to cry out of happiness.

Finally after almost two years, he's awake. I'm sure Jennie would be so happy for him. But I'm worried on his reaction when we tell him what happened while he's asleep.

"D-Dad? Is that you?" He asked with a shaky voice. Sajangnim hummed in response.

"Mom and Yeol is here with me too, son." He mentions that made him smile. Within a second, a tear fell out of his left eye and his mom quickly wiped them as she kissed his cheeks.

"I'm so glad you're awake now, honey." She whispered and hugged him.

Everything got so emotional inside the room. It was crazy thinking that he woke up just after a cardiac arrest but it makes us happy that he got through it.

"How long was I here? J-Jennie? Where is she?" He asked nervously while still looking at the ceiling. I sighed and watched his parents exchange glances, before his mom nodded at Sajangnim.

"Jennie's safe now. But you still need to rest, okay?"

I smiled as I watched them. I'm happy he's awake now. I hope everything will get better.

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