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This chapter includes rape.

A reminder! This book is only a fanfiction. None of the contents are true and the contents are just from the author's wild imagination.

You have been warned. Happy reading! ❣️

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At the feet of Hallasan mountain, there was an abandoned house in the middle of an island. A black haired girl riding a boat with two men in black with shotguns hung around their body was with her. She has her cap on and a jacket since it was noon and she'll complain when the sun rays hit her skin.

As the man helped her to get off, she landed on the white colored sand and went straight to that abandoned house. She opened the door, screams and cries of a girl could be heard. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she entered, and went straight to the living room, sitting on the brown ripped couch. She crossed her legs and waited for awhile as the two men stood behind her still.

"Seulgi," She looked at the doorway and smiled sarcastically. She stood up and shook her head in disbelief as she saw Hanbin topless, her pants were unzipped and isn't properly worn.

"It's twelve in the fucking noon, Kim Hanbin. And there you go again fucking her seven times a week." She rolled her eyes and walked passed him. She went straight to another door and opened it with a loud slam. But weirdly, the girl inside didn't move nor bother to look at her.

The room was stinky, that made Seulgi scoff and cough. She breathed through her mouth and looked around the room. A white dress was laying down on the floor with a pair of silver heels, and tons of silver wraps of condoms. She slowly stepped inside and saw a naked girl laying on the bed, her hands were tied on the head board with a thick rope, but she still managed to turn to her side. Seulgi disgustingly grabbed the blanket and and covered her up to her shoulders and knelt down infront of the girl. Tears kept falling from the naked girl's eyes, but her lips didn't emit any sound. Her chest heaved up and down as she chased breath, her body was numb and she couldn't feel anything.

"How are you, Jennie?" Seulgi asks and smirked. Jennie faced her still but her eyes didn't. She looked out of nowhere, her gaze passing through the figure infront of her. "She isn't talking."

"I don't know. She's been like that for two weeks now." Hanbin answers and leaned on the door while crossing his arms. He was already wearing a shirt as he looked at Jennie, not bothered or anything.

"Are you feeding her? She's getting thin," Seulgi asks and tried to fix Jennie's hair that was blocking her face, but she looked away, not wanting any contact with her. "God, you keep annoying me, bitch."

"She's just tired. Let her sleep," Hanbin smirked and sat on the bed, beside her. He slipped his hand inside the blankets and Seulgi stood up, observing his movements. His lips left kisses on her shoulder until a weak whimper came out of Jennie's lips. Tears fell aggressively on her face then Hanbin starts laughing while trailing his lips to Jennie's neck. She closed her eyes shut and prayed to God, that she'll be out of here soon as possible.

"I thought she needs to rest?" Seulgi laughed while shaking her head that made Hanbin smirk while signalling her to leave to room. Seulgi chuckled and did what she was told. She went to the kitchen when she felt the urge to eat so she opened the fridge.

"Ramyeon and water? Is this all?" She mumbled to herself and shook her head in disbelief. She chose to get the cold water instead. She took a glass and sat on the stool infront of the counter.

Her eyebrows raised when soft cries from inside the room was heard with groans and loud slapping sounds. As she finished the glass of water, those small cries turned into screams of pain, hatred, and fear. Seulgi smirked then shook her head as she opened her phone but she slammed it back on the counter when a she read 'No Service' on the upper left side of her phone. "Goddamn, what the hell is this place?"

On the other hand, Jay, Yeol, Lisa and Hyun-suk was at the hospital, tears were forming on their eyes as they looked through the glass window. Inside, there was Jennie's lover, laying on his bed unconsiously but his body kept fidgeting up and down. Two doctors were inside with three nurses, trying to calm his body down by injecting something to the small and thin tube connected to his vessels. The white monitor beside him indicates that his heart beat's slowing down with his thin breaths. Lisa gasped when the male nurse pulled another device or what they called defibrillator. The doctor grabs the pair of paddles while the other one unbuttoned his shirt, he rubbed them together and placed it on his chest.

"Charge, 200 volts!" His body raised from the bed then layed again as they pulled the paddles away from him. But it seems like they aren't working.

"800 volts!" The doctor yelled after a few more tries. And after that, the small monitor stopped beeping loud and fast, as if it calmed down with his body. Everyone inside the room sighed in relief, and they fixed everything before letting the four persons enter again to look at him.

"Thank you so much," His father said teary eyed as he shook his hands with the doctor. The doctor smiled and bowed down, before bringing his gaze to Y/N.

"We couldn't have done it without his help, Mr. Yang. He's helping his self too. He wants so live," The doctor mumbles and patted his shoulders. "Your son is strong and tough, like you."

He smiled not because of the praise, but because he knows that the doctor was right. He'll fight no matter what. He know he'll wake up, not just for him and his family, but for all the people who loves him and who helped him through out the way.

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