Chapter Five

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The bell went and we all went to out classes

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The bell went and we all went to out classes. Sadly I don't have the same class as Jungkook but I do with Jimin. Me and Jimin went to our last class and we both groaned as we both saw Jinyoung, the cunt that thinks we are straight but we ain't.

We sat someplace else away from him. But he moved next to me making me feel awkward. I felt his hand moving to my hip. But I'm sitting away from Jimin so she won't see. I flinch but he stop me and move to my bit. He start to circle t making me really uncomfortable.

"Please stop." I whispered, I felt tears coming down because I hate this feeling.

"Relax princess, no one will know." He whispered, kissing my ear.

I tried to push him but nothing. And thank god Jimin came and saw what was going on and I saw that she was mad.

"What the fuck are you doing to Taehyung?" Jimin says, thank god it was only us there. It would be super embarrassing if everyone knew.

"Just havin' fun, I bet Taehyung loves it." He says, putting his arm around my waist.

I didn't do anything, I was too upset to do anything. Jimin slap him and I ran away to the bathroom seeing Jungkook punching the mirror.

"J-Jungkook?" I stuttered, she stopped what she was doing and looks away.

"What's wrong?" I ask, coming close and hugged her tight.

"I'm just angry." She says, hiding herself.

I was walking to class but I saw the same cunt who was hitting on Jimin but he came to Taehyung and started to make her uncomfortable

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I was walking to class but I saw the same cunt who was hitting on Jimin but he came to Taehyung and started to make her uncomfortable. I hated it. I saw tears coming down making me more mad. I saw his hand moving to Taehyung's bit. I couldn't take it anymore and ran to the bathroom taking all of my anger out and smashing mirrors

"Fucking cunt, fucking bitch, fucking asshole-" I got cut off my Taehyung.

I stopped what I was doing and look away.

I held Jungkook tight and I saw Jimin entering seeing glass and seeing my red eyes

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I held Jungkook tight and I saw Jimin entering seeing glass and seeing my red eyes.

"What happened?" Jimin says, Jungkook kept looking away.

"Taehyung, what happened?" Jimin says, coming to them.

"I walk in seeing Jungkook smashing the mirror and he look away." I said, looking at Jungkook.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Jimin says, using his fingers and left up Jungkook's chin.

"I rather not talk about it." Jungkook muttered.

Jimin held Jungkook and sighed.

"Kookie, you need to tell us so we will help you." I said, Jungkook sighed and look up at the both of us.

"I just hate Jinhyung, so fucking much." She says, I turned to Jimin and saw him looking at Jungkook's hand.

"I had enough with this shit." Jimin says, making me confuse.

"What are you gonna do?" I ask, I pet Jungkook's hair calming her down.

"I'm going to tell that fucking cunt that we are lesbians, and we are taking." Jimin says, muttering the last part but I heard it.

"We are taking?" I says to Jimin, raising my eyebrows and I hear her sigh.

"Yes, now I'm going." Jimin says, leaving the room.

"What does she mean that we are taking?" Jungkook ask, looking up making me smile.

"I don't know kookie, I don't know." I muttered.

Authors notes

🎶I hate everything about you🎶 - I hate everything about you (Three Day Grace)

I hope you like this, I had no idea but this came up and sorry for the emo lyric, it fitted the chapter 😘

Have a nice day guys 💋💕

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