Chapter Seventeen

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Hiya, before I start this chapter I will like to say, you should read this;

Yes it's a very old cover that I did from the start of the year and it's about a girl name Jimin is bad luck until she meets a boy

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Yes it's a very old cover that I did from the start of the year and it's about a girl name Jimin is bad luck until she meets a boy.

You should read, it's an amazing book (note the sarcasm?)

Totally not promoting myself, nooo.

Namjoon looks down feeling like he just made his girlfriend angry and he didn't want that

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Namjoon looks down feeling like he just made his girlfriend angry and he didn't want that.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, Yoongi look at him and signs.

"It's okay baby, I'll to them and make sure they know to never do that again." Yoongi says, Namjoon just nod.

"I'll be at my room doing the homework." Namjoon says, but got stop by Yoongi.

"No baby, you are doing your homework. Can I have Jinhyung and Jim's homework, please?" Yoongi says, putting her hand out as Namjoon hands out their homework.

"What are you gonna do?" Namjoon ask, making Yoongi smirk.

"I'm gonna give them the answers, you know that I'm amazing at history." Yoongi smiled, Namjoon knew that his girlfriend is shit at history and that's why he helps her if there is an incoming test.

"Okay babe." He says, going to their room and started to do his homework.


Jimin came down and saw her two girlfriends sleeping together.

"Cute." She muttered and give them covers to wrap them up.

She went to them and kiss them goodnight.

"I love you baby girls." Says Jimin, she got up and went to bed.


Jungkook woke up seeing Taehyubg's chest, she tried to get up but o my to get pulled back to Taehyung's body.

"Where are you going baby?" Taehyung ask, still shutting her eyes.

"Getting water, my lips are dry." Says Jungkook, Taehyung let her go as she went to the kitchen.

She walked to the kitchen, only to see Jimin in a sports bra and baggy PJs trousers. A blush crept through Jungkook's cheeks. Jimin look at Jungkook and smirk when she saw Jungkook blushing.

"Hello baby girl." Says Jimin, walking to her and wrap her arms around her waist.

"What are you doing here?" She ask, tilting her head.

"G-Getting w-water." Jungkook stuttered, only to make Jimin's smirk grow.

"Did anyone tell you how cute you are while you are stuttering?" Jimin says, Jungkook shake her head.

"They told ms that I sound ugly and that I need to stop." Jungkook says, Jimin place her hand on Jungkook's cheek whilst the other is on Jungkook's hip.

"Don't believe in them, if anyone says that I'll bet their ass, okay?" Jimin says, making Jungkook giggle.

"Okay." Jungkook smiled, showing her bunny teeth.

Jimin smiled, looking at her cute yet hot girlfriend.

Authors notes

🎶the way you move ain't fair, you know🎶 - Hey Soul Sister (Train)

This chapter as more words than the days in a year, also happy birthday Jimin, age 23 or 24 in Korea. I hope he is getting better and I am hoping he is having fun.

I'll update tomorrow because I update eleven chapters today, ten chapters on bad luck. You should read that if you like angst shut or fluff shit or just Taehyung and this chapter. So I wrote eleven chapters.

I hope you are safe and looking after yourself.

You're nice, keep going! - Park Jimin 💕

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