Chapter Nine

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They three girls went home and Jungkook went to her room and took the note out of her breast and starts to read

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They three girls went home and Jungkook went to her room and took the note out of her breast and starts to read.

Here's my number cutie ;)


She gulp not knowing what to do.

"Do I tell them?" She ask herself, she nodded and started to text them.

Babygirl: I need to tell yous something

Baby: what's wrong babygirl?

Babygirl: well someone give me a note when you two were away and he give me his number.

Baby: come to Jimin's house, I'm already there. I'll tell her before you arrive

Babygirl: okay, I love you 💕

Baby: I love you too 💕💕

Jungkook got ready and rush outside and ran to Jimin's house. As she made it she didn't knock. Luckily for her it was unlock so she ran to the bedroom and saw the two girls somewhat angry.

"Did you being the note?" Jimin ask, Jungkook nodded and handed the note to her.

Taehyung and Jimin lock at it and started to get more and Kore angry.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Taehyung says, keeping her cool.

"I-I don't know, I was scared to even speck." Jungkook says honestly.

Jungkook came forward and hug the two girls tight.

"I don't know what to do." Jungkook says, crying. She held these tears in and she let them all out on Taehyung's shoulder.

Jimin kept looking at the note not knowing what to do either. She didn't want to message him because that'll cause somewhat drama.

"What are you gonna do babe?" Taehyung ask, holding Jungkook in her arms.m

"Bin it, I want nothing to do with this man." Jimin says, walking to the bin and rip it up and drop it to the bin.

"But what happens if he comes back?" Jungkook says, getting more worried and started to panic.

"Shush, don't panic, we'll make sure he doesn't come back. If you see him again tell us okay?" Jimin says, Jungkook nodded and sat in the bed.

"Can I stay here for a little while?" Jungkook ask, with puppy eyes.

"Yes babygirl. You can stay longer." Jimin says, hugging Jungkook for dear life.

Authors notes

🎶we'll always be together🎶 - Together in electric dream (Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder)

I hope you like this, half way when I was writing this my dog came and ran up to my bed and atop me from writing this 😂 he just wants the attention. He's so adorable!

Oh! I also started to edit again, here it is;

Yes I know it isn't the best but I did try, I'll update on Friday 💕

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Yes I know it isn't the best but I did try, I'll update on Friday 💕

Bye guys! 😘💋💕

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