Chapter Twenty

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The three girls came home (Jimin's home) and signed

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The three girls came home (Jimin's home) and signed. Jungkook checks the time and panics.

"Sorry Taehyung and Jimin, but I need to go." Jungkook says, the three girls nodded.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Taehyung says, the two girls kiss Jungkook goodbye as she did the same.

She ran off to her home feeling worried. Jungkook came home getting dragged by her own father.

"Sir, that hurts." Jungkook says, hissing.

Yes she was getting treated like the same just like Jimin.

"Why were you late?" Her father ask, gripping into her wrist tighter.

"I was with my friends sir." Jungkook says, tears coming down.

"So? Doesn't mean you can come here after midnight," Her father says.

"I bet you were fucking them." Her father laughed.

"Stupid slut, can't stop being so fucking horny." Her father says, laughing even more.

"Sir, please stop! I didn't fuck anybody, if you want the truth. I have two girlfriends." She says, right after she says that a slap came to her cheek.

"So my daughter isn't just a slut but a dyke?" Her father says.

"P-Please don't call me that sir." Says Jungkook.

"Get to your room you slutty dyke, I don't want to see your face no more." Her father says.

Jungkook ran to her room and sobbed I to the pillow. She took her ohoen and started to go to the group chat with her girlfriends, but she stopped and saw Yoongi's number.

Should I tell her?

She went to Yoongi and started to text her.

Kookie: Yoongi are you awake?

Suga: yeah, what is it??

Kookie: my dad is calling me names and I don't know what to do.

Suga: why was he calling you names?

Kookie: he always called me a slut but I came out and he started to call me a dyke, I was just wondering has this ever happened to you?

Suga: yes it has, when I good my mother that I'm dating Namjoon, she was happy but after she met Namjoon she hated him because he was too feminine and I walk out and now living with Namjoon.

Kookie: god, I'm sorry if I woke up Namjoon too.

Suga: it's okay, he's a deep sleeper anyways, but my advice it, ignore him tell your girlfriends and they will help you. Walkout and live with Jimin or something.

Kookie: okay Yoongi, thank you

Suga: no problem, night.

Kookie: night Yoongi ❤❤

Authors notes

🎶I'm learning how to love myself🎶 - Answer: Love Myself (BTS)

Listening to this song now because I need it right now, I hope this is okay. I don't know I should update again, I'm trying to learn to not post so much that it just stressing you out. I'm sorry if I sound like I don't care, I do. I just stress a lot and school is coming soon making me twice as stress. I'll try and update when I'm more relax and know what the fuck I'm doing 😘

Have a relaxing day 💕💋

You nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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