Chapter Seven

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PLEASE READ A/N after you read this chapter 😘

PLEASE READ A/N after you read this chapter 😘

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The two girls went to gym. They started to get change, Jungkook put her glasses off and put it down so she could get change. Even if she can't see, she still knows how to put shorts and a shirt on. Taehyung was already change ready for Jungkook to come out. Taehyung saw guys checking her thighs out making her groan.

Please stop staring at me, cunts!

Thought Taehyung, she leans on the wall with one foot on the wall waiting.


Jungkook finally got change and she went down to find her glasses but she can't find them, making her panic. She couldn't see and she need them.

"Looking for something?" Jungkook turned, seeing a blur but she knew it's some bitch.

"Can I please have them back, I can't see." Jungkook says, she heard girls laugh making her feel small yet again.

"Find them then." Says the bitch, she threw them someplace and Jungkook went down to her knees and using her hands to reach out for it but she just got laugh at even more.

"What a loser."

"She looks so stupid!"

They all laugh and they all went leaving Jungkook finding her glasses.

"Where is it?" Jungkook says to herself, tears came down as she felt patheitc finding glasses.


"What is taken her so long?" Taehyung ask herself, she walks in seeing Jungkook on the floor.

Taehyung saw Jungkook glasses near the door making her mad. She picks up the glasses and give them to Jungkook.

"Here ya go, love." Taehyung smiles, Jungkook puts it on and hug Taehyung tight.

"Thank you." Jungkook muttered.

"What happened?" Taehyung ask, putting her hands around Jungkook's slim waist.

"One girl took my glasses and through them someplace and t-they started laughing saying that I'm a loser and stupid." Jungkook sobbed on Taehyung's cheat.

Taehyung plays with Jungkook's red hair making her calm down.

"Shush, if they do that again, shout on me or Jimin. Okay?" Taehyung ask, Jungkook nodded making Taehyung smile.

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