Chapter Twelve

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Yoongi walked into class and saw Jin sitting next to Jungkook

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Yoongi walked into class and saw Jin sitting next to Jungkook. A groan came thought Yoongi's lips.

"Hey! I sit here." Yoongi says, getting angry.

"I sat here first and I don't see your name." Jin smirk.

"I don't see your name either. Also my name is right there." Yoongu smirk, pointing at a small writing that's says her name in a maker.

"Fine." He groaned and sat next to Yoongi

"Thanks." Jungkook says, with a smile.

"No problem, I'm just helping out." Smiled Yoongi.

Yoongi does love Jungkook, she doesn't understand why she is getting bullied so much.

The class started and Jin started to kick Yoongi's chair. But what he doesn't realize that Yoongi has anger issues that only pills or Namjoon could help. Maybe Jungkook too.

"Can you please stop kicking my chair?" Yoongi ask, trying to hold her breathe in.

"Why? What are are you gonna do? Tell on me like a bitch." Jin says, with a stupid smirk.

Yoongi got up and started to choke him.

"What...the.....fuck!?" Jin says, choking.

"Yoongi stop. I don't want you to get in trouble and have to move schools. How would Namjoon feel?" Jungkook says, trying to stop her.

"Namjoon will be sad and feel more angry and will ignore everyone." Jungkook says.

Yoongi stopped and hugged Jungkook crying.

No yoongi isn't emotional that much, the other way to get her anger out is crying.

"Wanna get out of class and meet Namjoon?" Jungkook says, feeling a nod from Yoongi.

"Please." Yoongi cried out.

They went to Namjoon's class. They saw no teacher so they just went in. Jungkook saw Jimin and hug her tight!y.

"Hey babygirl, why are you here." Jimin ask.

"Jin was in my class and started to annoy Yoongi so she started to beat him and she started to cry, so we went to the classroom so Namjoon could calm her down." Jungkook says.

"Well done baby, for doing the right thing." Jimin says, with a smile.

Jungkook smiled, feeling happy that she is being a good girl.

Yoongi cried on Namjoon's chest.

"What's wrong mommy?" Namjoon whispered.

"Jin started to kick my c-chair and and I got angry and I started to bat him and and Jungkook helped me and I want to go to you." Yoongi cried.

"It's okay baby, I'm here." Namioon says hugging her close.

We all know that Namjoon now hates Jin.

Authors notes

🎶would you lay with me and just forget the world🎶 - Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)

Hola, how are you all? Sorry for not posting. I did this yesterday but I had no idea and wasn't in the mood to write. But I'll write when I could be ass. I'll see ya later guys!

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