Chapter Twenty-Three

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Look at him, so beautiful!

"What do you wanna do then?" Ask Jimin, looking at her girlfriends

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"What do you wanna do then?" Ask Jimin, looking at her girlfriends.

"I don't know, cuddle?" Ask Jungkook, making grabby hands to the two girls.

The two giggled and Taehyubg came close and hugged them tight.

"Wanna go to the rooftop?" Taehyung ask, looming at the two.

"Yes please!" Jungkook says, clapping her hands. Only to make her girlfriend smile at her cuteness.

"Okay, let's go." Jimin says, getting up and picking up Jungkook.

They went to the rooftop and Jungkook lay on the two of them.


Yoongi leaned on the locker and saw her best friend. Jung Hoseok.

"Hiya, hobi." Yoongi says.

"Hey, suga." Hoseok smiled.

"So why are you coming to this high school?" Yoongi ask, tilting her head.

"Because yo were in it, maybe?" Hoseok says, only to make Yoongi shake her head.

"Or course, praying to meet any guys?" Yoongi ask.

"Shut it." Hoseok spit out, making Yoongi laugh.

"So why are you eating by the lockers?" Hoseok ask.

"Waring for my baby boy, duh." She says, in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, Namjoon?" Hoseok ask.

"Yes, you can finally meet him!" Yoongi says.

Then she saw her baby boy walking, with a book in his hands.

"There he is." Yoongi says, going to him. Hugging him tight.

Hoseok was shock, no he wasn't gonna bully him. He was shock because Yoongi is popular and she used to be a bully once. But when she met Namjoon, all of that changed.

"Hello baby." Yoongi says, kissing the boy.

"Hello," he says, "-mommy." He whispered.

Yoongi smirk and held Namjoon close.

"So, Hoseok. This is my boyfriend, Namjoon. Namjoon thus is my heat friend, Hoseok." Yoongi says.

"It's nice to meet you, Namjoon." Smiled Hoseok, making Namjoon giggle.

"It's nice to meet you too, hobi." Namjoon says, making Yoingi smile.

"Let's go to class, shall we?" Yoongi ask.

"Let's." Says Hoseok.


Whilst the three girls were out, skipping classes again. They heard the door opening and closing.

"Hello!!" They heard a high-pitched voice.

Jimin turned and saw Amber and Wendy.

"Shit." She mumbled, holding Jungkook closer, plus Taehyung too.

"Hiya bitches!" Wendy says, making Taehyung cringe.

Don't say that shit.

She thought.

They were away to sit with the three girls, until they saw Jungkook.

"What is that thing doing here?" Wendy ask, pointing at Jungkook as she was a bag of trash.

"Because she can be." Jimin says, holding her tightly.

"Why are you holding her like that?" Amber ask.

This made Jungkook scared. She didn't want Jim in nor Taehyung to get bullied because of her. She got off of Jim in and moved back.

"She was just looking out for me, that's all." Jungkook says, looking away.

"Okay then, well you can leave now." Amber says, in a bitchy way.

"R-Right, sorry." Jungkook stuttered, away to walk away but got stopped by Taehyung.

"Why should she leave? She's our friend." Taehyung says.

"Actually, she's more than that." Jim in butted in.

Jungkook got more scared and started to bite her lower lip.

"What do you mean?" Wendy ask.

"She's our babygirl." Jimin says proudly.

Authors notes

🎶i know there's no making this right, this right🎶 - Waste It On Me (JK, NJ, JM)

I hope this was good enough, do you like BTS new song? I mean it could be better if all of them were init but I love it.

I'll try and post more chapters! Also I will be adding the song that I put on here too.

You nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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