Namgi Smut

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This is what you ask for.

Namjoon was studying for his coming test. It was so much harder than the others.

He then heard the door opening and smelt food.

"Food!" Says Namjoon, dropping his pencil and running down and meet Yoongi with Chinese food.

"Hello baby boy." Yoongi says.

"Hey mommy, is that our food?" He ask.

"Why, is it is baby." Says Yoongi.

"Can we have it now?"

"Why now?" She ask, getting confuse.

"Food helps me to not go stress." Namjoon says.

"Why are you stress baby?" Yoongi ask, putting the food on the table.

"I have a test and it's a lot harder now. I really don't want to fail it." Says Namjoon.

"How about you take a break from it and eat."

"Okay mommy."

They two started to eat, after Namjoon was done. He lay on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi smirk as she thiught of an idea.

She moves her hand to Namjoon's thigh and rubbing circles on it.

"What are you doing?"

Ignoring him, she moves to his dick and started to rub it.

Namjoon moaned out loud, making Yoongi smirk. She went into Namjoon pants.

"ah, mommy." Monaed Namjoon.

"You like that baby boy, you like how mommy touch you." Says Yoongi, making Namjoon moan even more.

"Let's take this into our room." Says Yoongi, picking him up.

Yoongi locked the door and place the boy into the bed.

"Why did you lock the door?" Ask namjoon as Yoongi striped him.

"Just in case someone comes in, and I don't want anyone seeing my baby boy being beautiful." Says Yoongi.


Yoongi went down and started to suck on Namjoon's dick.

"ah! Mommy!"

Not even 5 minutes, he started to cum.

"You still taste good baby boy." Says yoongi as she got onto his lap and stroming his dick.

She place her pussy on his duck and started bouncing.

Namjoon was a moaningess feeling himself Cumming again.

"Mommy. I'm close!" Namjoon says.

Soon enough he cummed inside Yoongi as Yoongi cummed on Namjoon's dick.

"I love you Joonie." Yoongi says, kissing him.

"I love you too mommy."

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