Chapter Eighteen

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Right before we start, I only edit that picture to put Taehyung in because I couldn't find any VMinKook pics. I'm not like them people who edit one of them out, like Taehyung to put in Jimin or Jimin and put in Taehyung or even put Jungkook out and place either Taehyh g or Jimin. So pretty much some Vkook shippers, Vmin shippers or Jikook shippers. I'm not like that.

Now enjoy this shitty chapter that I wasn't in the mood of writing, I just wanna make your happy!!

Now enjoy this shitty chapter that I wasn't in the mood of writing, I just wanna make your happy!!

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Jungkook got her drink of water and started to take sips. Taehyung woke up and walk to the kitchen to see Jungkook sipping on water and Jimin holding her tightly.

"Morning baby." Jimin smirks, making Taehyung blush.

"Stop~" Whined Taehyung.

"Oh, Jihyung wants to meet you, Jungkook." Jimin says, looking at Jungkook.

"R-Really when?" Jungkook stuttered, putting her cup away.

"Today if you like." Jimin ask.

"Can I come? Even though I met your brother when we were friends." Taehyung ask, Jimin nodded.

"Okay, let's get change." Jimin says, the three of them went upstairs and got change in the same room.

Everything is normal, trust me.

After they got dress, they went to Jimin's car, Taehyung in front and Jungkook on her lap.

Jungkook put her legs on Jimin's lap and Taehyung out her seatbelt on so Jungkook is more safe.


They made it at Jihyung's house, he moved out of his parents house a month ago, the three girls got out of the car and walk to the house. Jungkook was clinging onto Taehyung's arm.

"It's okay baby, he isn't that bad, I've meet him before and he is like the male version of Jimin. They are like twins." Laughed Taehyung.

Jimin knocked on the door and Jihyung answered.

"Hello sis." He says, hugging Jimin as she hugged back.

"Hello bro, this is Jungkook. The one you want to meet." Jimin says, holding Jungkook close.

"Aw, she is so cute. Why are you so lucky?!" Whined Jihyung, making Jimin laugh.

He let them in and the two girls sat on the sofa. As for Jimin she went to the kitchen and had a drink.

Jihyubg sat on the chair and got comfy.

"When did you three started dating?" Jihyubg ask, looking at Taehyung because he knew that Jungkook would be scared.

"Hmm, maybe a few weeks." Smiled Taehyung, she hold Jungkook tight making Jungkook smile, showing her bunny teeth only to Mamie Jihyung cooed.

"Jimin told me that she was dating her best friend and started to say she started to date someone else, I must say she is very lucky." Jihyung says, making Taehyung laugh.

"Haha," Taehyung laughed.

"So how is your parents?" Taehyung ask.

"Still the same." Jihyung sighed, Taehyung nodded making Jungkook confuse.

"What do you mean the same?" Jungkook ask, making Jihyung cooed.

"They are homophobic, they treated Jimin differently when she came out," He began.

Authors notes

🎶You get what you want but not what you need (stuck in reverse)🎶 - Fix You (Coldplay)

I hope this is good to read, for the next chapter I'll update the flashback of Jimin's past.

Also yesterday was my day, I watch the show that BTS was in, my parents were askiing me who was my favourite and my sisters. I told them my favourite was on the chair and they started to ask me why, and I told them. And they were shock by how big there are. And they thought they were still in London but I told them they aren't anymore.

And Jikook happened making me even more better, and Jimin did a VLive, what can possibly make that day even better!?

Right I'm gonna go, have a fun day.

You're nice, keep going - Park Jimin

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